Chapter 1 : girl

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Bell's pov
I jogged back to the house but something caught my eye.A girl about my age, her h/c hair in a ponytail and she was kneeling.i walked up to her and asked "are you okay?"She looked up and my red eyes met her e/c ones.
"H-hai "
"are you sure?"
Nodding she answered "I just remembered a bad memory."
That's when I spotted a sword sheathed into a white scabbard with gold lines around it
"ah, are you an adventurer?"
"what familia are you from?"
She looks down and hesitates for a moment, probably debating on weather to tell me or not.
"Aphrea familia "
I blinked
She looked down and I heard someone crying. Seeing her tears hit the ground I decided to bring her back and ask goddess what to do,so I stood her up and guided her to the house. She was hurt pretty badly with cut and bruises everywhere. She must have fought a boss or something
As we near the house, I hear the familiar voice of goddess."Bell-kun!"
"Etto who's that?"
She eyed her suspiciously and gazed up at me.
"Eh,I found her on the streets badly bruised and hurt so I brought her here"
"Hmm" Kami-sama pouted
"Oh she's from the Aphrea familia but I've never heard of them before "
As soon as I said Aphrea Kami-sama's eyes widened.
"Hestia-sama,how are you?"
Cliff hanger

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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Undefeated weakest Bell cranel x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora