Battling The Unknown

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This story I dedicate it to my loving boyfriend Chad Lee who wrote this story I just edited it and published it...lots of love enjoy <3

While exploring the tombs of a huge mausoleum Professor. Richard Kartwal was reading an inscription on a pillar it read, "He who enters this tomb with greed shall pay with their life but he who enters with honor shall live." As the professor went into the tomb it seemed to be a maze with twelve statues, he was accompanied by his two guides. But without knowing their bad intentions they knocked the professor unconscious and continued ahead. As they walked forward one of them triggered a trap and the statues started to move by every step they took.

Out of fear one of the guides turned around and pulled out his gun and pointed it at the statue, but the statue pulled out its sword and stuck him sending him into the dark abyss. As the professor gained consciousness he found that the statues all had their right foot forward and as he walked forward the statues didn't mark him as a threat. But the other grave robber who passed as a guide drew his gun and as he stepped forward his foot pressed against a stone tablet and a dark figure with the head of a jackal grabbed him and drew him into the darkness and disappeared.

After getting through the maze he stood in front a large stone door and as he pushed it open in front of him was not gold and jewels but a mysterious gold box with hieroglyphics on it and as he removed it there was a bright light and he found himself seeing the great war that had ravaged the lands many years ago and then he collapsed and woke up in his tent. After returning to his lab in America he scanned the in text on the box but it was unknown to him so he called Professor Sherryann from the Geological and Language society and video chatted with her about the text and sent her a copy of the images.

After nine hours she was finally able to but in great fear and shock she read it to herself and told him he should not open it because inside had a great power said to have been placed by the great gods of Egypt Ra, Anubis and Isis. He looked at her for a while and laughed saying," You expect me to believe that this thing is cursed and wields the power to destroy humanity? ". She shook her head and sighed, "Just bring the box with you and we will get more information at the Pyramids please." In his heart he knew she would never lie to him because they were childhood friends and agreed.

After a long flight and several hours crossing the scorching sands of Egypt just to find out that this was only one of three great boxes. They called six of their colleagues and after several days finally found the second box over three hundred miles away in the tomb of Isis near the great Nile River. In an unmarked tomb hidden deep within a mountain and after hours of scanning they gave a clue to the location of the last Box. So as if stood they had Isis and Ra now it was to look for Anubis after a year of searching scanning and mapping out the finally came up with the location but it was difficult to understand why the box would be placed not in Egypt but 700 miles off Iceland .

When they packet up their kits and equipment the set off on their long journey and having called for a submersible founded an underwater temple deep within a trench and entered it to find they could breathe because there was dry land inside the large Temple with statues and found pictographs of a great battle and the pyramids of Egypt and legend that if the three ancient ones are brought together will lead to destruction and the skies will be filled with winged beasts of all shapes and sizes but inside the three hold the key to survival. After several hours of searching the massive structure they finally found it, it was within a room of the temple and above the entrance of the door read, "The one whose heart is full of greed shall face his fears and die with grief but he who comes with a heart most noble will be given the light to the earths survival.

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