I'm home now

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Emma's POV :

I took the first plane to NYC. I paid the ticket with the money that Ross gave me . First I couldn't accept then I thought I have to arrive in NYC and then I'll work hard for the money and I'll give them back to him. When arrieved at my mother's house I felt like finnaly I can be happy with my family but wich is not complete yet. I wish my dad the old one who was happy and friendly was here with us. I haven't seen my family for a long long time. When they left I was a baby and I can't remember anything. I hope they remember me. They live in a flat at the 50 floor. I knocked and a friendly woman opened the door.

"Mom!!" I yelled and hugged her very tight

" Who are you?" She asked a little bit scaried pulling away.

"Emma your daughter. Don't you remember me?" Please mom say you remember. I don't know what to do know without you.

" Honey! Of course I remember. You're welcome to stay here how much you like."

"I won't return to my father.Can I stay here forever? "


" One question where's my brother?"

" He doesn't live here anymore. He is at college."

" Oh. I wish I could see him once..."

" Now tell me what happened? Why are you here?" I think I'll tell her about Ross. She has to know she is my mom.Pretty please mom like him!

" Well I think you know why... Becouse of my father... I got a boyfriend. His name is Ross Lynch the one I love since i was 5 and you know he doesn't accept any people around his house . Plus Ross is a vampire!"

"A vampire. .. Emma? Are shure you can trust him?"

" Yeah! "

" Then I'm totally with your relationship."

"Thanks mom! You think dad will search for me? Will he kill me? What I'm gonna do?"I asked her breathing faster.

"Sweetheart calm down!He isn't that bad. He won't do that. He loves you. Don't you worry!Now I'll show your room. "

I followed momy to a big large room. She pointed to it and told me to come in.I noticed I lost my phone when I searched for it in my pocket. How I'm gonna tell Ross where I am? I know where he lives but it's too far away. He is a vampie he can use his vampire speed and arrive here in 5 minutes.

I went on a walk thinking at what should I do. Someone caught me and lifted my body I looked down to see an unfamiliar vampire.

" Let me go!" I yelled

"Hahaha I don't think so." She laughed

"Don't you dare to throw me down from the 100 floor!"

"Oh yeah I'll drink your blood then throw you!"

Two other vampires came from nowhere and beat her.They're Max and James! Ross' friends.

"Thanks guys!"

"You're welcome. You have to be more careful. New York is a city full of bad and hungry vampires! "

"Oh... really? I didn't knew that. I don't have anywhere else to go so ...Guys I've lost my phone please tell Ross where I am."Shure." James and Max were so friendly I felt good and safe with them. I knew that probably Ross told them to do that couse he really cares about me. I'll show him I can care of myself but let's say the truth now . If Martinez brothers weren't here neither do I now." I can call him now." James said.

He took his phone and called him. James told him everything that happened. That wasn't going to be good I could hear him yelling " What !!! You were here to protect her. She almost died! I'm coming to you right now" I laughed and They to the same. Ross was really nervous.

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