Bound By Chains

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You may have never heard those whispers, telling you that you're livinng a lie, living a false path created by illusions.


You may have never heard those loud roaring noises ringing in your ear, bringing out fear from beneath the skin.


But I have.


Through the tossing and tumbling under the darkened night sky, I've near a micrometer from losing grasp of my sanity.


I'm scared, freaked out, terrified; I'm beyond repair and I'm not even going to deny it. Every corner I turn, I fear something would jump out, tackle me, and tear me to shreds.


What am I to do? I must walk alone and battle with my own might. They do not know. They cannot know. They wouldn't understand the visions that I see, the voices that haunt me and my inability to break free.


My friends? They tell me that I live in a state of constant paranoia. Am I? Don't you even dare consider such, because I've longed, dreamed, hoped, wished and prayed with every ounce of my soul that it's only paranoia, it's just paranoia. 


It isn't. It had happened before, and it will again, for I am bound by chains of destiny.



Note: Originally Uploaded on Goodreads.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2011 ⏰

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