Death of a Bachelor

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I can do this, Alex thought to himself as walked into the dining room to talk to his mother, who was sitting at the far end of the table. It's been almost eighteen years of hiding, you got this.

"Mom?" he asked timidly, trying not to look her in the eyes.


Alex sat down on the chair across from her, still avoiding eye contact.

"I need to tell you something." he hesitated, "I-I'm gay." His mother sat there jaw dropped.

"You're kidding, right?" she asked shaking her head and laughing.

"No," he said staring her straight in the eye. His mother's laughter and smile slowly turned into a frown.

"Get out," she said sternly pointing to the door.

"Mom?" he asked concerned, tears forming in his eyes.

"No son of mine will be gay in the presence of God, under my roof. So get out!" she yelled. Alex ran up to his room tears falling from his eyes.

"You're an idiot!" he yelled at himself slamming his fist down on the dresser. He grabbed the dark blue suitcase from under his bed and filled it with all the clothes he wanted. He grabbed some small belongings and shoved them in the spaces between the clothes. Alex emptied his school bag on his bed and shoved the rest of his stuff in it: his phone, charger, money, medication and hygiene products. He put his backpack on his back, grabbed the suitcase and left the house with streams of tears rolling off his cheeks.

The first place he thought to go was Luke's house, but it was too far, and he didn't have a car. He decided that it would be a better idea to go to Jayman's house because it's much closer. As he walked he wiped his tears and pushed his curly brown hair out of his face.


When he got to Jayman's house he hesitated at the door before knocking. Jayman was quick to answer. He looked into Alex's bloodshot hazel eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked grabbing the suitcase from Alex's grasp.

"My mom kicked me out," he said through streams of tears. He walked in, Jayman put the suitcase down and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'm sure my mom won't mind if you stayed in the spare bedroom for a while,"he explained releasing from the hug. He grabbed the suitcase once again, and brought it into the spare bedroom, Alex followed behind. "I'll talk to her when she gets home, but for now, you have to tell me what happened." Alex put his backpack on the chair in the corner, and Jayman leaned the suitcase against it.

"Well I thought it would make me feel better if I came out to my mom, but she yelled at me and kicked me out. I didn't think she was that homophobic," he explained as more tears flowed from his eyes. Jayman was sitting beside him listening intently and trying to comfort him by rubbing his back.

"I'm going to call Luke," Jayman said pulling his phone out of his pocket; he dialed Luke's number and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Luke," he said. Alex could hear Luke's muffled voice, but couldn't make out words. "You need to come over now," he explained slightly rushing his words. "It's an emergency!" he looked over at Alex and gave him a shy smile.
Luke's car was now in the driveway. He walked in without knocking and found the boys sitting in the spare bedroom. When Jayman saw Luke walk in, he got off the bed and walked over to the chair in the corner. He took the backpack off of it and placed it on the ground. He sat on the chair and Luke sat on the bed were Jayman was.

"What happened?" Luke asked wiping some tears from Alex's eyes.

Alex explained what had happened and started crying even more, Luke pulled him into a tight hug and held on for as long as he could.

Death of a bachelor|| Wattys 2016 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat