Chapter 1

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  Ramui whimpered following the three. "Why do we have to be out this late?" Anastasia slowed walking beside her. "We had to get supplies." "Why didn't we get them early?" She whined, looking at the sunset sky. Kuruito slowed on the other side of her. "We made a bad mistake of not checking." Serelite glanced to them. 'Might be a fatal one..' She thought. She wouldn't dare say it out loud to the small girl. She would be scared worse then she was already. Kuruito sent an uneasy glance to Serelite, he was thinking the same thing. Anastasia flanked around nervously, walking. Serelite looked forward again "We should be home in 10 minutes.." She muttered. Ramui looked at her. "W-wait won't it be dark in 10 minutes?!" She shrieked. "Yes...... BUT, we'll be inside by the time the bells start ringing." Anastasia lowered her head. "Is inside even safe anymore?" She muttered. Serelite looked at her. "As long as if we can keep the genitor running and with light, yes it will be." Anastasia looked at her. "Good point." She muttered. Serelite nodded. Serelite glanced to the sky as minutes pasted. She stopped horrified. "" She muttered. The three stopped and looked at her. "What?" Kuruito asked. "...I misjudged time.." They stopped staring at her. Ramui stared in horror. Anastasia stared shaking a little. Kuruito stared at her. "..Wha-"

The bell rung once.

Serelite stared up in horror. "Oh...God please no.." She whispered.

The bell rung once more.

Ramui screamed, Anastasia did as well.

The bell rung again. Serelite didn't waste time. She ran. The other three followed running behind her quickly.

The last bell.

Serelite looked back. She screamed as three hug black dogs with red piercing eyes Ramui tripped falling face first. She whimpered and screamed. Anastasia and Kuruito stopped, Serelite did as well. Anastasia helped her up. They looked confused. The dogs were gone now.. Serelite narrowed her eyes. "Something's not right..." She muttered. It cant be this easy. Anastasia shrugged and grabbed Ramui' hand and started running again. Kuruito followed behind. Serelite didn't follow. She looked forward. Kuruito stopped and looked at her. "Come on!" Serelite didn't move. "Something's not right! It cant be this easy!" She yelled back. Anastasia and Ramui were far ahead now. Serelite narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, the dogs jumped out in front of the ground of Anastasia and Ramui. Ramui scared. Anastasia's eyes widened. But she quickly shoved Ramui behind her. Serelite and Kuruito both rushed forward as fast as there legs would take them.  One of the dogs lunged landing onto Anastasia. She screamed and tried to kick it off but the weight and power of it she couldn't do it. The dog snarled, sinking its teeth into the side of her face. Anastasia screamed in pain, and started crying kicking her legs. The other two dogs barked and kept snapping at Ramui. Ramui screamed and filched away. Serelite watched in horror. 'Its like there sick game! There enjoying torturing Ramui! Those sick-' She didn't finish. Serelite hissed and threw a strong kick, as it only made one of the dogs stumble. The other turned lunging. Kuruito threw a punch knocking it off its lunge and it fell down. Serelite ran over and kicked the dog tackling Anastasia over and over. The dog gave and jumped off then turned on her. It lunged tackling Serelite. It snarled, spit flying onto Serelite'sface, mixed with Anastasia's blood. 'Ew.' She thought as she threw punches hitting it in the face. She stole a glance to Anastasia who was laying on the ground whimpering in pain. The third dog had tackled and pinned Ramui, who was screaming over and over for help. The dog lunged down to bite Serelite. She flinched waiting for the bite, never came. Serelite opened her eyes staring at the dog in shock. The dog had a arrow sticking out its for forehead. The dog fell onto her limp. Serelite hissed, kicking it off. The other two dogs had stopped staring at the dead one in horror. There was a loud yelp as the dog attacking Ramui backed up with a arrow sticking out its chest. Serelite turned her head seeing a guy walking towards the group. He had a hoodie over his face so she couldn't see his face. Serelite squinted, maybe in his 20ies or teens. He held out a crossbow gun, holding it and shot the dog once more. The dog fell twitching then fell limp. The third one yelped then turned running the other way. The man aimed but lowered his gun. He turned to everyone. "Are you ciztens alright?" H asked. Serelite wanted to cringe. He sounded as if he hasn't talked in years and his throat was either very dry or very sore. "We're ok. But our friend got attacked." Kuruito answered, helping Anastasia up. "We'll be going. t-thank you sir.." Ramui muttered, grabbing Kuruito's hand. The guy stared but nodded then turned walking away. Serelite turned and helped Anastasia walk. They walked home.


  Hereiti turned staring at yielding dog before him frowning. "You've failed me." He hissed as the ground under the dog turned a dark color. "Master plele!' The dog begged. "We got attack!"  Hereiti raised a brow. "What could possible attack you and make you run like that?" He growled. The dog lowered its head and whispered. "Al..ex..." Hereiti's eyes widened then he looked up staring out the door. His hand traveled up to his arm as he rubbed a deep mark there. The last fight he had with Alex resulted in them both very hurt. Alex had made his arm totally useless for a phew days. He closed his eyes. "Very well." He said and the ground under the dog turned normal. "You had no choice in the matter did you? Well. Ill arrange a new team for you. Now go before I change my mind.' Hereiti said. The dog didn't need told twice as it bolt out the room. Hereiti watched it leave. "I barely got out alive when I battled him.." He growled to himself. "Alex is near again." He glanced o a teleporter. "If things get to bad...Ill ask to alley with her.." He muttered.

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