Chapter 1

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Once Upon A Time. A girl lived in a beautiful home with a loving mother and father .She was having a wonderful day! Until she got a phone call. RING RING RING!!

"Why is someone calling me this early in the morning on a Saturday! It's . . . 3 P.M. Whoops. Hello, Red speaking"

"It's me, I was wondering if after all these years you would like to meet," Oh, it's Edith.

"Hey girl. Sorry, I can't. I have to go visit my Grandma. She is sick with something. I promised I would stop by, But I will try to stop by later. Is that okay?"

"Sure I guess. Just go and ditch me for your grandma," Edith said with a very fake attitude.

"Thanks BFF, you are the bestest friend EVER!!"

"Tell me something I don't already know"

"Well, you can be rude, me-"


"Edith this isn't funny. Stop doing that, you are scaring me"


"Edith, Edddith. What is going on? This isn't funny anymore"

"If you ever want to see or hear your friend again, I suggest that you listen to me closely. Go to the abandoned warehouse on the end of Jackson Road. And if you bring anyone, we will kill her"

"Screw you! This is some sick joke, Edith. Stop the stupid game."

"How did you know?"

"I am not stupid, I know your brother anywhere"

I don't like that! I heard in the background.

"Hey, I have to get to my Grandma's. I will talk to you later. Adios"

"Laters, call me on your way here"


I was walking through the woods to get to my Grandma's . . . what? It's totally normal. I like to walk through the woods. It gives me time to think. After my break-up with Alex. It just hasn't been the same. He was always a jerk. Never listened, always had a way to charm me though. But, I can tell you one thing. He helped me to defend myself. I learned how to kick butt. I am able to protect myse-

What was that? I swear I heard something. Was that footsteps? I better run and get help!


"Hahahaha!! You think someone will help you?"

N-no, i-it can't b-be!!

"What do you want from me!? I left you alone, I never came back! We made a deal!! YOU said that you never wanted to see me again!! Well, I left! Why are you here!?!?"

"Because, I didn't say I wasn't going to mess with you now did I?"

"Just leave me and my family alone. We made the deal, you shouldn't be here. You will get in a lot of trouble!"

"Who is going to tell them? They all think I am dead. I know you tried to tell them otherwise. It didn't work did it? And now I am back, and ready for revenge," He said with a smirk.

"You will have to catch me first," I said with a smirk as well.

I start to run as fast as I can! I know this forest like the back of my own hand. He won't be able to get me when I get to the cliff, I have to go over it to get to me Grandma's. She will help me, we can call the police. He wouldn't dare being caught by them. If he does he will go to jail for the rest of his life. I am about to make it to my Grandma's, I just needed to get over the cliff. I am so close! Just a little Bit MORE!!

"AHHHHHHHHHH," I scream at the top of my lungs.

Right in front of me is the worst scene I have ever witnessed.

My Grandma is here!!

HEY GUYS, I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH!! YES I SAY Y'ALL DON'T JUDGE ME!!Sorry, I forgot about all caps. I will try to post every Friday. I hope you like it so far. Nothing too interesting. But yeah, so, I will go now. Bye my lovelies!!  

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