Laurance pov

Ugh I need find a way for her to forgive me but how ugh I can't think straight maybe I can get drunck with Dante i don't know I haven't even seen here *knocks*

Laurance: What katelyn

Katelyn: Aphmau was kidnapped

Laurance: I know by who Garroth

Katelyn: I'm going kill him when we find him

With Garroth

Aphmau: Let me go Garroth!

Garroth: No

Zane: *knocks out Garroth* Go quick Aphmau

Aphmau: Thx zane

Time skip to where aph and katelyn run into each other

Katelyn: Oww

Aphmau: I'm so so sooo Kate

Laurance: are you okay katelyn

Aphmau: *runs to her house once she gets there get stabs by Sasha*

Katelyn pov

Me and laurance ran after her we saw Sasha stab her she fell to the ground laurance ran and picked her up and carryied her to zoey while I recorded for prof that sweet girl laurance loves her but she can't deal with Another heart break ugh

Time skip to where aphmau wakes up

Zoey: Thank irene your safe

Aphmau: Hay! That my mom

Zoey: oops right sorry

Katelyn: Is she alive

Aphmau: I'm alive

Laurance: Yes she is alive Aph will you get back togeather with me

Aphmau: I............

Hey guys Raylin here I will do a face reveal if I get 30 vewies on this book and I hope you enjoyed thanks Bya ~Nya oh wait 2 videos one at very top and before this text bya ~Nya

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