Meeting Meto

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Mea's POV.

We all sat down on a table not to far from the entrance door.I was on the other side while both darren and whats her name umm i think clia. I looked at him he didn't look that different but still something changed about him i though. I wonder if he still remember me the same way.

I was inturepted by someone calling my name. I quickly shaked my head to get out from my thoughts. I saw darren waving his hand infront of me. That's when i saw it................ the ring. *Mea? U ok ?* i nod. I looked down i saw there hands i saw them........... they were i dentical just like mine but forgot me. *sooo Mea i missed u so much* he said.

I was speechless he MISSED ME he didn't even bother to write me a letter or reply the texts i sended him. He even copied the rings i gave him and gave to another girl. I can't believe him! Ugh! I stood up without another word.

He souted something but i could not hear it cause i was already out the door. I know he could not follow me or catch me since he didn't remember much about the school.

How could he. went out side in the garden i sat down crying every thing keep running in my head ugghhh!

The memories

A mysterios voice *hi i-*
Me *o my gosh your darren !!!*
Darren *u a fan ?*
Me *a little why!!??*
Darren *owww nothing i just think youre cut--*

While I was running saw darren watching the school board . He looked upset so I went to ask him what was bothering him
Me *hey? U ok ? *
Darren *yeah .... um sure*
Me* u know i am not taking that for an answer*
Darren* ..................*
Me* so since when do u like musical theater *
Darren *umm what are u talk about?^super wierdly^*
Me *serously ? Youre starring at the poster for istoryahi lang ko , its a musical it saids they need a new pupil for the lead and the audition is tommorow after noon, after class at the ^reading^ class room of teacher jen *
Darren *k fine u caught me*
Me *wanna talk about it , its ok if u say no*
Darren *maybe another time , hey wanna hang out *
Me*um, hang out?^I raise my left eyebrow^*
Darren*u know hang out as friends?*
Me* sounds great *
Darren and I walked around the school he actualy gave me a tour while he was giving me a tour ( I think ) we were talking alot about ourselves our past life , our family and our likes and dislikes of course .

When i got on stage Darren whisperd *come on you can do this *. I gave a small sigh and started to sing After the song darren whisperd*great job*.

Everyone was clapping for us and they even were shouting my name i felt so proud of myself i even bowed a little and shouted *thank you !* twice. Darren was realy shocked when I said*thank you!* twice then after that

Memory ends

I heard someone coming. *hey* i heard a soft amd calm voice. I looked up and saw someone every thing was blurry but after i blinked i saw a guy with black hair i meet his eyes ..........his brown eyes

* umm who are you?* i asked * im Meto* he answerd he pulled at his hand for me to shake i accepted it and said *Mea*. *well Mea what is a beautiful lady like your self doing out here on the rain?* he ask *what is a handsome man like your self doing out here on the rain?* i repeated *well i am helping a dasel in distress* he answerd with a warm smile *well i am waiting for me pronce charming* i reaplyed with a smile he bowed at me then sat beside me then placed his jacket around me he said before i could protest * dont worry u can use it no ifs or buts you use it* he said *thank you* i smiled

Hey guys i know there no pic nor video internets seem to be EVER slow i hope u guys
Like this chapter if you do don't forget to leave a like 👍😉 if your wondering if Meto is going to be a bad guy well i really don't know if you think yes just comment that u guys for continuing to read me stowi THAT U ! 😇😇😍😛😗😙👧


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