The Start of a Bloody War

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Kronos and his fellow allies were still in shock with the show Demeter put on. All of them honestly didn't think she would be that powerful enough to hold her own against the powers of the Titan King and the Primordial of Earth. Kronos couldn't help but feel proud and hurt. Proud because his little flower was no longer little. Hurt because he knew what she said was true.

Sensing his distress Gaea, the nice person she tries to be, went to her son and hugged him. "It's ok my son. She's just angry, that is all." She said softly. Kronos softly pulled out from the hug and looked at his mother with old weary eyes. "She's true mother. Had we not have interfered with destiny, we wouldn't be in this mess." He said weary.

Porphyrion walked up, sighed and said "It doesn't help we weakened the gods to the point they were able to be turned over to the enemy." Gaea then gasped. "What is it mother?" Kronos asked a little spooked by her reation. "He knew this all would happen..." she whispered. "What?" Porphyrion asked a little irritated. "End. He played us for fools. He had this all planned out from the beggining. From the moment we took control over Perseus, Hestia, and Poseidon up and till now." She said in relization.

"Hurry! We must make it to Camp Half Blood and protect Demeter and the other gods!" She screamed. After flashing to the Camp the allies saw a horrible sight. The camp was overrun with monsters. The seven and a few older more experienced campers were backed up to the building they called "The Big House."

Demeter and what was left of the Olympian gods and goddesses were in a sea of monsters about to be overrun. "Hurry and save what's left of the camp Porphyrion! Kronos and I will save the gods!" Gaea screamed. Kronos and Gaea fought their way through the waves of monsters, now understanding how the Olympians felt through the wars.

Once they made it to were they saw the gods, they saw Perseus throw an unconscious Demeter through a portal along with the rest of the gods. "So you finally came to the rescue." He said with an evil grin plastered on his face. "Where's your pathetic master? Aren't you supposed to be kissing his ass right now Perseus?" Kronos taunted. Perseus face quickly turned to rage. "Shut up you insolent fool! My master is busy at the moment reuniting my family. Once your out of the picture, I can join them and finally feel at peace!" Perseus yelled.

He then appeared between Kronos and Gaea, before grabbing both of them and began kicking them until he kicked Kronos 100 feet away while judo flipping Gaea and kicking her towards Kronos. "Pathetic." Perseus snarled. He waved his hand and balls of energy appeared before he launched them at Kronos and Gaea.

Explosions shook the Earth as Perseus's attack meet its mark. In a pit, Gaea and Kronos were in extreme pain. Jumping down the hole, Perseus was mocking them the whole way. Once near the forms of Gaea and Kronos he began to laugh.

"Ohh, how sweet this is having the two people who made my family's life a living hell in pain at my feet!" He bellowed. Gaea, after healing herself and Kronos with her powers, made a million sharp little stones appear before launching them at Perseus.

Kronos to help with the attack, froze Perseus in time. The attack worked and Perseus was soon severely damaged with a few wounds that would be considered fatal. "How...?" Perseus croaked out before he collapsed. Kronos could only help but pity the way Perseus life was going. He didn't deserve anything but a calm and happy life.

"Come son, let's see if Porphyrion had better luck then us." Gaea said while flashing all three of them to the camp. They appeared before what was left of what appeared to be the amphitheater. Before anything else Gaea summoned chains that were a mix of Chaotic metal and Primordial obsidian. After chaining him up they went to the big house.

When they reached it they saw Porphyrion and his brethren searching the big house calling out saying "Where are they?" Or "Come out its safe!" even "we'll destroy this house to show you its safe." Gaea was beyond confused at this point.

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