Chapter 5

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Chapter 5



“Tammy you have to stop this obsession with this girl and do something with yourself.” Tim tells me.

I know he means well and I guess he is right I should stop following her around. Like mom always said. If something is meant to be yours even if it takes a life time it will come to you.

Well what to do with my life I think to myself. Hmmm I love animals so maybe I’ll become a Vet. I go on the internet and look up what I’ll need and holy hell that’s a lot of school.

What about just a trade school? I can become a vet tech and it will be less time. Hmm I like the sound of that plus I can help Tim with the ranch animals then. I smile to myself. Thinking I have a set plan now.


Kim’s POV


We are about half way through with our semester and I’m felling that itch again. I don’t know this constant feeling that something is missing from my life. I head to the bathroom to check my self, make sure I look ok. I had dyed my hair red this weekend and realized I had to always put on lip stick and make sure my blush is on or I look pail.

I think I’ll dye it clack next time. On my way back to class I see Luis walking down the hall with that girl that lives with them. He looks like a good candidate he’s Mikes brother so I know he’s a good guy.

I walk up to him and rub my chest on his arm. “You ditching? Take me with you.”

He pushes me away with his hand “Do you not see I’m with someone?”

I look at the girl up and down and I shrug. He gets mad and basically tells me he’s off the market and to tell everyone else that. I shrug, my bad . I didn’t know he was dating that girl. They make a good couple good for him.

So I just head out and call Tim to see if he wants to get together. He’s busy so I head to the diner where I see Judy. I knew she worked there and come in on occasion. I don’t know what it is but there’s something that draws me to her.

I frequent this place a lot because I want to be by her. I guess she reminds me of how I used to be.

I become a regular at the dinner and she always seems hostel with me but hey. Girls look at me now and think I’m the worst. I’ve learn to live with it.

Not to long later I find out Leo and His girl friend broke up. I like Leo he’s sweet I felt sorry for him because I knew he loved her. But hey shit happens.

One day I go into the dinner and see him talking to Judy and I get upset. He’s on the rebound and she does not deserve to be treated in that way so I intervene and offer my self to him. I told him I would do any thing he wanted.

He accepted and we went back to my place.

“I’m sorry to hear about you and your girl” I tell him.

“We did not come here to talk about her. We came here to make me forget her.” He says as he backs me up against the wall.

I gulp when I look at his eyes. He has lust and hurt and I don’t what else he mat be feeling. But in combination with some fear I was turned on as hell.

“You said anything goes did you mean it?” he asked and I nodded yes.

“Good to know strip.” I looked at him and did as I was told.

He then sat on the couch and pulled me over his lap. “I have seen the way you behave and think that it is so out there. Bit you are a nice giel. Stop making people think you’re a slut. Then he proceeded to smack my ass with an open palm so hard that I was crying.

When he finally stopped he cradled me in his arms and cooed at me “It’s ok, your going to be all right and judging by the wetness I feel on my pant leg you enjoyed it as much as I did.” he says.

Damn how can I even deny it if he’s feeling my arousal all over his leg.

“Don’t worry baby, Leo will make you feel all better. Where is your bed room?” He asked.

I told him where and he carried me all the way to the room. Then he gently laid me on the bed.

I have a king size 4 post bed. He admired it. Or so I thought until he walked over to my dresser and was looking through my drawers..

“Um is there something in particular your looking for?” I asked him.

“Bingo” he said when he went into my intimate things drawer.

He came back with 4 stockings in his hand. “You said any thing” he reminded me.

The he proceeded to tie me to the bed posts. I wasn’t sure what to thin or what to expect.

“Do you trust me?” He asked.

“Yes” I whispered. He started to kiss down my neck and kissed a path to my breasts.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this and with Leo Codey. It seamed he really knew what to with that mouth. I moaned in pleasure. The one thing he never did that I was happy about was he never kissed me on the mouth.

For his not kissing me reminded me of what this was a sexual encounter and nothing else.

The next time I saw Leo he was with Judy and she basically told me she was with him and to piss off. But it was she who told me so if he is what she wants. Cool I’m happy for them.

I stayed away until that night I meet Luke and Ben. That point in my life marked the beginning of my future.


(Thank you for viewing a glimpse of what made me who I am. Continue the rest of my story in I Get Of On The Pain)




🎉 Você terminou a leitura de Such A Dirty Girl.(To be read after chapter 3 of I GET OFF ON THE PAIN) 🎉
Such A Dirty Girl.(To be read after chapter 3 of I GET OFF ON THE PAIN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora