Chapter 1: Sarcasm and Negativity

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  "Ugh!", I moaned as my 6:30 am alarm clock started it's irritating ring.  " A perfect way to start a perfect day", I sarcastically stated. Today was final exams day, and I was SO looking forward to it.  I got out of bed and fixed myself some disgusting fruit loops.  "More like Fruit Poops", I said to myself. My mother was in the kitchen fixing me some scrambled eggs. "Oh great! This again!? Scrambled eggs are just so boring!" I said.   I gulped the eggs down, tried not to belch, said bye to my mom, and left for school.

  On the way to school, I stopped by my best friend, Baseball's house. Baseball and I didn't have all that much in common. He was positive, I was negative, he was happy, I was sarcastic. The only thing we did have in common was that neither of us had arms. Being armless wasn't all that bad, we utilized our legs to do most of the things that arms could do.

  I knocked on Baseball's front door and his mother answered.  "Hello Nickle!", she said cheerfully. "how are you on this fine spring day?" "Terrible" I awnsered.  "Oh", she said. "Well baseball is in his room.  He's getting ready for school". "HEY!" I herd Baseball yell! "I'm coming!"  "Hi Nickle!" Baseball happily said. "Hey." I said back.

  Baseball walked to school with me that day. "Are you nervous for final exam?" Baseball asked cheerfully. "OH NO, DEFINATLY NOT", I sarcastically answered.  "I studied really hard last night, I stayed up until 1:30 am studying!" Baseball bragged, but he was smiling. 

We finally got to school and I spotted Rocky sitting in a corner looking depressed. Baseball went up to Rocky and asked if he was ok.  Rocky started to cry, "I spent all month on a 4000 word report *sob* and flower ripped it in half and flushed it down the toilet!!"  Rocky was crying even harder now.  "AWWWW THATS REAL STINKY!" I said sarcastically.  Rocky then started to bawl super hard.   "I- BULLECH!" Rocky started to vomit because he was crying to hard!  "SOMBODY GET THE NURSE!!!!!" I yelled. "I will!", said Ice Cube.  A few minutes later, the school nurse came running to Rocky's aid. I felt really stupid!  I didn't talk until class began.

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