Jude's Wrath

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As Sister Jude and I continued down the dark, murky hallway, I stared through the small bar covered window on the front of the doors on the inmates cells. I could see pain in their eyes, but I could also see hurt and deceit. I felt for them, I understand what they're going through. They've probably been here much longer than me anyway.

By this point, Jude has released the strongly painful grasp she had on my wrist and instructed me to walk swiftly beside her. Although my legs were weak and felt like jello from not walking for days, it was still better than her bony fingers jabbing into the fresh cuts she has yet to find.

After another minute or so, we arrived at the front door of her cramped office, and I immediately felt a chill run up my spine. The first thing that caught my eye was a very tall window on the back wall, which normally wouldn't be frightening to me. But the creepy part was that half the window was covered by black tape, and the other half was covered in a hardened reddish-brown substance. The next thing that caught my eye was a wide opened cabinet entirely filled with items that looked like whips.

Lots and lots of whips.

She instructed me to stand in front of her desk, and the second I arrived there, she wrapped one hand around the back portion of my neck and thrusted my head forward, creating substantial pain.

Jude walked over to the cabinet and picked up one of the longest, darkest whips she could find. It had a few interesting stains on it, but I surely wasn't going to ask what they came from. I didn't want to know.

"So...talking back to your guarder, losing faith in God, and misbehaving? That's the equivalent of around 50 whips. Shall we begin?"

My jaw fell to what felt like the ground. Whips? Like spanking? Who does she think she is?! I pulled the hair back from my face and tucked it behind my ears.

I took a deep breath and said-

"If you must."

I immediately regretted it.

She yanked down my pants and undergarments, and began whipping me. The pain was unbearable, it felt like someone was taking a knife and creating slash marks in me. I puffed up my cheeks and held my breath, I need to stay strong.

Once she was done assaulting me, I requested a moment to gather my self, and she burst into laughter. Her laugh echoed throughout the room, almost like a hyena was loose in her room.

"Why on EARTH would I give an inmate time to regroup themselves? You need punishment!"

I immediately turned my back to the woman and let the tears come. I felt tear streaks being created as she laughed behind me. She grabbed my hair and pulled, which didn't help the waterworks. She just didn't seem to care whatsoever about the wellbeing of the people under her wing.

"I hope you learned your lesson, you brainless prisoner."

I glared at her, but made sure she wouldn't notice I did it. I really don't want another beating.

I just want my kids.

She grabbed my hair once again and brought me to my feet. I looked at her face, it had joy and pleasure written all over it. She found this so incredibly amusing I guess.

"Let's go now, you're going to visit Dr. Thredson. Hopefully he can fix you, even though it's a hard task." She ended that with a smile.

She dragged me out the door, but honestly I didn't even care anymore. I'd rather be stuck in a room with a liar for an hour than a psycho for a second. I just want to get away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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