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My heart pounded against against my chest as I ran down the corridor. My feet padded softly against the floor as I attempted to dodge falling debris. The walls next to me began to close in as I rounded the corner. I quickly scanned the room around me as the area became more claustrophobic. I got sight of a small light source just at the end of the hall. I picked up speed and ran faster. Near the end the walls were all but closed I dropped to the side and slid out barely making it through. I let out a small sigh when I realized it was over. I heard clapping coming from behind me. I turned on my heels only to come face to face with the inquisitor herself. "You're getting better and I didn't even think that was possible I see now why the clave is so interested in you," she said kindly. I gave her a soft smile and headed out of the training room.
Once back in the locker room I changed from my training attire into a black tank top with a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans and from my vans into black ankle boots. I pulled my hair tie out of my freshly died brown hair and shook it allowing it to rest perfectly on my shoulders. I pulled my makeup out of my back and began to put it on. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I placed everything back and headed to the inquisitor's office.
"I received a call from hodge earlier today and he said the institute is far from prepared for an attack from the outside I have enlisted in sending Lydia in but I thought you would be best. I want you to take a team and do your annual institute test early," she said sternly. "Would you like me to go today?" I asked confused. She nodded," ready a team of 4 and go you have two hours." I agreed and retreated already knowing who id choose.
I fixed my black gloves as we stood at the entrance of the institute. "everyone knows their mission correct?" I asked turning to face them. Caleb stood with it stele in his hand ready to draw the ruin to temporarily cut power. Caleb has tanned skin, short black hair and dark brown eyes. His height is about 5'7 to around 5'8. Caleb has a muscular and toned body. Tyler stood to left he was responsible for taking on hodge. Caleb was my best friend we were practically glued at the hip. His parents ran the California institute and were highly respected members of the clave. Tyler had dark brown hair and blue eyes. He had cream colored skin. Tyler's parents ran the Mumbai institute so of course they weren't very happy with me when max nearly burned it down. Tyler and I were in the same class of shadowhunter. Tyler was also gay and secretly in love with Alec though he would never let it on. I found out a few months ago while the three of us we're working a case. Quinn stood to the right she'd be taking on izzy. Quinn has medium length blonde hair and green eyes. She was short but fierce. Quinn's background was slightly different her parents didn't run an institute they died from a vampire attack when she was born. Quinn lives with her grandmother in idris Lastly was Ashton who'd be taking on Alec. Ashton was the tallest one of the group and hard dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He had tan skin with some stubble and a sharp jaw line. Ashton and I never really saw eye to eye and hated that I was to be the next inquisitor. He questioned everything and constantly broke the rules. He lived with his aunt and brother at the Paris institute. I on the other hand lost both my parents the only family I have is my twin brother. We were taken in by the lightwood family who raised us like we were their own. Their daughter Izzy is my parabatai and their son Alec is my brothers. They run the New York institute and are very well known by all shadowhunters. My brother and I are both 17 however we were polar opposites. He had blonde hair and blue eyes I have blonde hair (now brown)and brown eyes. Jace is narcissistic and impulsive. He prefers to act then ask for permission later. He's headstrong and easily annoyed.Im sarcastic and obedient. I do what's best in the eyes of the clave. We're both loyal and care for the people we love dearly. Our mom died when we were infants and our father passed when we were ten. Till this day it's been Jace and I against the world we'd do anything to protect each other.Each member of our group had their own story but we all worked together. We were all excellent shadowhunters bound be the clave for different reasons. Whatever mission came up whoever was in charge we always picked this group. This mission was no different. Starring at the wooden door that led the institute i silently wondered if this was the right thing to do. We all wore black in various combinations. My job was to see just how stron the institute was and for me that meant taking on my brother. "Steles ready?" I asked placing mine on my wrist. Everyone nodded. We activated the night vision ruin and put our steles away. I turned to Caleb and nodded and before we knew it things got dark.
Jace's pov
Clary walked away frustrated and I couldn't say I blamed her a group of vampires took her best friend and there wasn't much we could do to save him. I was lost in thought when all the power to the institute went out. My first instinct was to use my stele to activate the night vision ruin so I could see. I placed it back in my pocket and raced to the training room. Alec and izzy were already there. "What's going on?" I heard clary ask afraid as Alec handed me my sword. "The institutes under attack you need to stay here where you're safe," izzy told her. Alec raced down the steps of the training room bow ready I followed close behind. The main door shot open and four figures came racing in. I tried to make out any of their appearances but failed. The other members of the institute stood ready not knowing what to expect. I was the first to react. I saw a small figure running towards me and I grabbed them by the arm and slammed them on the ground. They let out a loud hiss and I could tell it was a girl. She kicked me in the chest sending me stumbling back before flipping over on her hands and up onto her feet. I charged at her and she jumped to the side and grabbed my arm throwing me into Alec. He glanced over at me and raised and eyebrow. I shrugged and we switched. I took on the one Alec was fighting and he seemed to have no problem standing off against me. I kicked him in the chest before grabbing his face and slamming it into the ground. I quickly glanced over to Izzy and saw she was also fighting a girl. I tried to make out her appearance but she moved to quick. While distracted I felt something hit my chest and I fell back. "First rule of war," the voice said before turning around to grab his blade. I quickly jumped to my feet and charged at him taking this opportunity to attack. I jumped in air and kicked him clean in the back of he head sending him instantly tumbling forward. "Never turn your back on an opponent," I said as he hit the floor with a thud. I felt a smirk spread across my face as I turned to check on clary. A shadowy figure entered the training room and I mentally cursed under my breath as I raced after.
Davina's pov
I didn't count on Alec and Jace switching but by this point I didn't care. I watched all my men go down in a matter of time. Alec charged at me again and again only to have each move blocked. I could tell by his breathing he was worn out and frustrated. He wore a grimace on his face and I couldn't help but to chuckle. "Come on lightwood what goods a bow if you don't use it?" I asked feeling sarcasm role off my tongue. He let out a sigh and charged again. I pushed my arm forward to block him only to have him twist and grab my arm. He pulled my forward grabbed my throat and slammed me onto a metal table. The metal was cold against my back and I let out a sigh as I felt pain rush through my spine. I kicked his stomach flipping him over the table watching him land on the ground. I pushed myself back to my feet just as he jumped up. We spared for a little while longer before both of us equally matched. Deciding it was about time for the ruin we used to wear off I decided to end it. I jumped and twisted only to have my kick stopped by Alec. He slammed me down and placed a strong hand on my chest. I grabbed his ankle and pulled causing him to fall on top of me. Before I can do anything else the lights came back on. "Vin seriously what the hell ?" Alec said sitting up. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and starred at him for a second. "Wasn't my idea it was Hodges," I told him as he stood up. He offered me his hand which I great fully took. He looked and me with questioning look and I just shrugged. "Looks like you finally beat me though," I told him smiling. He wasted no time pulling me into a hug. The smell of his cologne filled my nostrils. After a moment we pulled away.He went to say something but was cut off by a high pitched scream and heels hitting the floor. I turned just in time to be attacked by izzy. " oh my gosh I can't believe you're back I missed you," she said squeezing me. " I missed you too iz but I need to breathe at some point," I told her as she let go. Izzy was my best friend and my parabatai.I stepped back just in time to see Jace bounding the steps of the institute and wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so glad you're back I can't tell you how much I missed you," he whispered. There's nothing better than a hug from your brother. "I missed you too Jace," I told him as we pulled away. "You died your hair," izzy chimed in. "Yea I wanted to try something new," I told them feeling a little awkward. "It looks good on you I miss the blonde though," Alec retorted. I turned and saw he group I was end helping the other members of the institute up. "Was it really necessary to dislocate my shoulder?" Alec asked twisted his arm around trying to pop it back in place. "Sorry I panicked," I said in defense.I gave him a smile before following them to the training room. A small redhead stood on the opposite wall. She looked about my age and scared. She glanced up and gave me a soft smile. "Davina this is clary clary this is my sister Davina and she's also izzy's parabatai ," Jace said introducing us. "So did I miss anything?" I asked giving the girl a small smile. "You sure you wanna know?" Jace asked amused. "If I wasn't I wouldn't of asked," I said rolling my eyes. "And this is why I missed you you have to let me do your hair!" Izzy said excitedly," oh and I have this dress that would be perfect for you." "No!" Jace yelled. I glanced over and raised an eyebrow. "You aren't allowed to dress my sister anymore remember last time?" Jace said seriously. "Oh come on," Izzy said annoyed," it's not my fault everyone thought she looked hot." I chuckled and listened to them banter before Alec cut them off clearly annoyed. "Okay now that that's over with someone wanna fill me in?" I asked again. "I'll do it," clary said softly. I gave her a reassuring smile and she began to explain.

My brothers parabatai (an Alec lightwood fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora