Chapter 4

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The next morning would be so awkward. I knew it.

I woke up at 7:30 am. The usual time for the weekends. Again, I'm not a normal teenage girl.

I quietly opened my bedroom door and  walked toward the kitchen. Unfortunately you had to walk through the the living room to get to the kitchen, and much to my dismay, Nick was awake. He was sitting there on his phone and looked up at me when I passed through.

"Good morning, princess."

I dropped the plate I had just picked up and it smashed all over the floor, waking all the other boys in the process.

I quietly thought about how much I wished a hole in the floor would swallow me up while all the boys stared at me.

"What are you doing?" My brother said sleepily.

"Sorry," I muttered. I swept the shards of the plate up quickly and went to my room.

I called Ashley.

Hey, ash, I have a problem
- What?
Nick just called me princess
Yeah, when I woke up he said 'Good morning, Princess."
Ash, I think he has feelings for me.
Ok stop, I need help. I'm starving but I can't go out there right now.
- why??
*explains the whole situation*
- Ok gurl, be ready in 15

She hung up. What has she got up her sleeve? Well, whatever it is, I know it'll be fun. There's never a dull moment around Ashley.

I got ready and climbed out through my window and walked down the street where Ashley was waiting for me. I didn't want anyone to know where I was going.


"Awe, thanks Ash!"

We drove to one of our favorite places, the mall.

After 20 minutes at the mall, we saw our least favorite person. Katherine.

"Ash. She's here," I said, nodding towards Urban Outfitters.

"Omg, hide," Ashley said.

We tried to avoid her, but she saw us. 

"Oh Ash! J! Come here!!"


We walked over to her and before we could tell her to leave us alone, her fist connected with my face.

I pushed her back and her slammed against the floor. She tackled me and then I kicked her off of me. Instead of just pushing her back, I accidentally kicked her jaw, and it did not make a pleasant sound. She started crying and screaming and an old lady who had stopped to watch called an ambulance.

"I-I-I didn't mean to," I said shakily. The old lady explained she saw the whole thing and would make sure the police knew that I didn't start it and was just defending myself.


Ashley drove me home and said she'd get Katherine back for giving me a black eye and a scratch on my face.

"J, you're going in through the the front door and you're explaining what happened. There's no way they won't notice. It's not like a black eye disappears in an hour. The scratch is probably gonna be there for a while too. I hope it doesn't scar."

"Ash, I can't. I don't wanna see any of them. I'll go through the front door but I'm hiding my face."

We walked in and all 8 boys were sitting on the ouch worriedly.

"JENNY WHERE WERE YOU? We were so worried!" My brother yelled as he ran to me. I tried to hide my face but he saw.

"oh m- what happened"

Suddenly all the boys were on their feet, but only Nick came over.

Everyone, including me, stared at him. What was he doing?


I pushed past Nick and my brother and went to my room. I could hear Ashley explain what happened.

An hour later, only 3 boys besides my brother remained at my house. Of course, Nick was still here.

This time he didn't knock on my door, he just came in.

"Why would you do this?" He said angrily.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you don't actually have a black eye. You're just trying to make me feel bad for making out with Katherine. Look, I know you like me but you don't have to do that to get my attention."

I couldn't believe him. He was the biggest jerk on the planet.

"Look, I'm not making it up," I said. He just rolled his eyes and I continued. "And I do not like you. You're just a 20 year old boy with a huge ego who thinks he knows everything. I don't know who you think you are, barging into my room and saying I'm faking a black eye. Why on earth would I want to do that? So we could have matching ones? Ha, yeah right. And even if I did like you, I certainly wouldn't go to this extent to "impress" you or get your attention. It would be a waste of time because you're worthless." I was so angry and I let everything spill out of me.

He just stared back at me with wide, glossy eyes.

"You're seriously not about to cry are you?" I asked cockily.

Tears started rolling down his cheeks and he went to the bathroom.

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