August 17, 1986

173 11 12

Dear Belle,

Still as sarcastic as ever I see, or read I guess. And yet it's just not the same without you here rolling your eyes at me... I see what you mean about knowing each other too well.

I'm sorry that Maine sucks ass. But I bet you that it's even worse here without you. I did ask my parents if you could live with us, but they said no. I even cleaned my room beforehand and everything! Dad just laughed when I asked and Mom gave a lame excuse about how your parents would miss you. I'll try asking again in a few weeks so that they have time to forget about it.

I'm sure you'll make friends, Bells. The ones you left behind certainly miss you. I saw Nate and Mike the other day and they would not stop whining. They kept saying, "Why can't you be Belle, Tom?" "Why couldn't you get Belle to stay, Tom?" "What girl is ever going to talk to us now, Tom?" It was a little pathetic honestly. But who can blame them?

You're a good friend, Belle. And a good person. Someone in Maine is bound to see that in you. Once you start school you'll make plenty of friends. Trust me. I became your friend, didn't I?

Tell Ben to turn down his music or else I'll come to Maine to kick his ass. Although I feel like Shon would take Ben's side and then I'd have to fight both of them...Whatever. I'd do it for you, Bells. I would fight my own flesh and blood. You should feel honored.

Thanks for the flower. And I didn't ruin it by the way. I know that's what you were thinking. Surprise! I'm not a complete idiot! And you're right: the flower definitely makes me think of you.

I'm glad you think writing to each other is a good idea. It makes missing you a little less painful.

Write back soon,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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