Omar Dean

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It was the day of the meet and greet and it was pouring down with rain. Nevin, Seyma and Jacinta were all getting ready to go meet their idols Omar, Zac and Ethan. They were so nervous as this was the first time meeting them. "Seyma I have no idea what to wear, I just really want Omar to know how much he means to me... Except that won't even happen with all the girls that will be there today" said Nevin "Awh Hun, I know exactly how you feel, Ethan is the most cutest guy ever but he will never know I exist" "BIG BANANA OH NA NAH NAH NAH, Guys I'm hyper and in a singing mood... Zac is going to think of me as a loser AHAHAH shit" said Jacinta They finally arrived at the meet and greet in the pouring rain. Nevin wore black jeans with a cute top and a fluffy vest, Seyma is the fashion girl so she wore a stylish half jumper with leggings and a lot of bling bling... And then there was Jacinta, wearing her hoodie and trackies! The meet and greet was in an enclosed area but it was still very cold! They were standing to the left of the stage but couldn't see them clearly Omar was looking into the audience and suddenly saw Nevin, he remembered all the amazing conversations he had with her and how much he secretly loved her. The whole meet and greet he couldn't stop staring at her, same with Ethan. Ethan couldn't stop staring at Seyma! Zac looked like a confused duckling and had no idea what he was doing as he was having the worst day of his life. He just found out that his pet ant had escaped his room and didn't know what to do. So after waiting in line for so long to meet them, Jacinta, Nevin and Syema finally met their idols! Omar held Nevin's hand and slowly dragged her away from the group and said 'wow Nevin, I never thought this day would come, you seriously look amazing and I'm so thrilled to be meeting you! I feel like I've known you forever and I want you to know that you're amazing!! Would you like to come out for coffee later on with myself, Ethan and Zac? It would seriously make my day!" Nevin had no idea what to say and was completely speechless!! She finally had the courage to say' OMG I would love to come for coffee with you guys, it would be such an honour' Ethan started flirting with Seyma and she instantly fainted into his arms. He was confused but ended up kissing her on her forehead to see if she woke up... Well she woke up ahaha (sleeping beauty reference ahaha ) Zac looked so down so Jacinta went to go give him a hug, he was so warm and cuddly. The feeling couldn't even be described. Suddenly Zac felt a certain connection with Jacinta as they were both dressed the same and didn't care what others thought of them! They connected so well and realised they were just as hilarious as each other.

In the end they all went to go out for coffee together and had the best day of their lives the end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2013 ⏰

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