My Brother?

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"GET YOUR ASS OVER KATE!" My father Bob screamed at me I tired to run but he caught me he pulled me towards him making me fall to the ground

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY YOU LITTLE BITCH" He took his belt off and started hitting me

"Dad stop please" I begged him but he continued hitting me he then grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the wall I couldn't breathe gasping for air I smelled that he had been drinking......again I started to pass out

he let go of me I fell to the floor I started coughing trying to catch my breath I then felt my hair being pulled I yelped in pain Bob made me look at him he then threw a punch me in the face he then slapped me a few times I felt something warm coming down from my nose and mouth my dad then let me go I started crying I crawled over to the corner of the room and started balling my eyes out I heard the door bust open I looked up to see Kellin Quinn?

"What the Fuck are you doing here Kellin?!" My Dad spat out

"I'm taking Kate home" Kellin told my dad and what was he talking about taking me home?

"You ain't taking her anywhere" My dad chuckled

"Im taking my sister home either you like it or not!" Kellin spat at him wait what does he mean Sister? My dad came over and Pulled me by my hair again I yelped in pain he then held a knife to my throat why was my dad doing this and why was Kellin saying I'm his sister?

"Bob put the knife down" Kellin held up his hands and started walking towards us my dad brought the knife closer I Started shaking and crying

"Dad Please don't do this" I begged but he didn't listen Kellin looked at me his eyes widen as he saw me crying

"Just let her come with me and nobody will get hurt" Kellin said walking towards us

"She'll never become one of you why do you think I took her from you in the first place!" My dad yelled what was he talking bout one of you and took me from him then in a blink of a eye Kellin was right next to me and my dad,
my dad dropped me and I ran to my room I Closed and locked the door behind me I slid under my bed all I heard was things braking and after about 3 minutes everything stopped I got up and peaked out my door nobody was there I started down the hall and saw My dad out cold Kellin was breathing heavily he looked at me his eyes were red? I ran back to my room and hid in my closest

"Kate I know your in here" I heard Kellin say I opened my closest door I don't know why something told me to trust him I stepped out
Kellin smiled

"How do you know my name?:" I asked Kellin then came closer

"I'm your brother Kate" His eyes went back to normal I shook my head

"No no no I don't have a brother!" I Tried getting away from him but he got to me he showed me something that made my heart stop he pulled his sleeve up and showed me the same Heart shaped birth mark that I had

"No you can't be" I held my head shaking it I couldn't believe what I saw he then got out a Picture of me?!

"Your my Sister Kate I know it seems weird but I am Trust me" He smiled how was I Supposed to trust someone that barged into my house?,

he then came over and wiped away the blood from my nose and mouth that I had forgotten was there,

"C'mon pack up were leaving" He walked into my room I didn't want to go with him let alone trust him but something told me I should and I mean he was getting me out of here,

after I was all packed up we started heading out but before we left I walked over to my dad who was still knocked out covered in blood

"Fuck You" I spit in his face and kicked him in the balls Kellin got my bags in the car and we left,

as we were going down the road I remembered something


"Oh Kellin where are you?" my 4 year old self yelled out I heard Giggling I walked over to the tree I looked up to see Kellin in a tree

"Get down Silly" I laughed he jumped down lading on his feet

"how'd you find me?" he asked

"I'm not telling" I started skipping towards the house

-----Flashback Done-----

"You are my brother" I said looking over at Kellin

"Yep" He smiled and nodded

"Did you remember something?" He asked I nodded which made him smile,

we soon pulled into a driveway I got out of the car while Kellin grabbed My Bags he opened the door I saw 4 other guys at the house

"C'mon I'll show you your room" Kellin said we walked upstairs and Kellin stopped

"Heres your room" He opened the door and we walked in my mouth dropped

"Wow" I smiled my room was Pink with Black stripes had a big picture window a dark purple mirror in the corner

'Glad you Like it" He smiled he then grabbed my hand

"C'mon I want you to meet the guys" He added we walked into the living room to see 4 other guys sitting on the couch

"Guys this is my Sister Kate" They all got up and greeted me

"Kate this Gabe, Justin, Nick and Jack" He smiled

"Hi" I smiled

"So your the famous Kate we've been hearing about" Justin smiled I Noticed they all had a dark red eye color but I didn't think about it

"You hungry?" Kellin asked I nodded he took me into the kitchen and started making Burgers and fries,

after dinner we watched some TV and I was getting very tired I guess Kellin noticed he got up and picked me up and carried me to my room he laid me down on the bed I soon fell asleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed this I'm trying out the whole Vampire thing I'm sorry if I'm bad at it I don't really know about Vampires much :-/ - Krista.

My Brother Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now