Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7 – Go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love.

Music playing while Sarah finished off work at home was now her daily routine, she had considered going back to work but her seniors and doctors suggested the hospital could trigger her PTSD, and asked her to take a few more weeks off or else things could get worse for her. So she was stuck at home, her besties and Morgan had asked her to go out several times, but she just preferred staying home. Cooking pasta was one of her favourite things, and it'd been quite some time since she'd made her special pasta bake, the one with chicken and bacon – the one Holly absolutely loved. Holly was visiting with her Dad, he had a day off and came to know Sarah would be alone the whole day, so he came over and gave her a surprise with Holly. Sarah's brother sat with Holly in the living room, watching TV while the little one watched videos on YouTube. "Make you feel my love" by Adele was playing on repeat on Sarah's iPod dock, which was placed on the kitchen counter. The song had been stuck in Sarah's mind ever since she woke up, and no matter how many times it had played, she still couldn't get it out of her head. The smell of the pasta filled up the kitchen, and gave her a strong déjà-vu feeling – She closed her eyes and flashed back to the last time she'd made the pasta. It was for a party her brother and his wife were throwing, and even though she was extremely hesitant about going first, Olivier convinced her. The conversation she and Olivier had flashed through her mind too, she constantly went over the words he had said, the ones she'd do anything to hear all over again.

"No more excuses, Sarah. We're going, that's all," Olivier said in a stern tone, while Sarah put her folded clothes into the closet.
"Olive, please, you don't understand..." Sarah tried to explain herself, but she still couldn't tell him why she didn't want to go – or why she didn't want him to go with her.
"I don't care. Your brother has invited us, and we're going. And you're making the pasta of yours that Holly loves. Come on, I can't figure out why you're being like this! You'd never say "no" to visiting them, why now?" Olivier asked, Sarah was trying her best to avoid eye contact with him as she tried walking straight out the room, but Olivier held her hand and pulled her back. "Tell me why you're trying to avoid this. You know me, you know I won't let this go until you tell me. So let us both be free of the hassle."
Sarah let out a deep sigh, knowing she no longer had any other option. She look away as Olivier looked straight at her, slowly moving a strand of hair that fell on her face to behind her ear. She finally looked up, finding the courage to tell him why. "I don't want you to go with me."
"Why?" Olivier furrowed his eyebrows almost instantly, she'd never said anything like this before so it left him a tad bit surprised.
"Becaaause... My Dad's gonna be there. I don't want you to meet him," Sarah said, maintaining eye contact with Olivier.
"What? Why would you want that?"
"Because he's terrible. Okay? Olive, part of the reason I am however I am today is because of him, he's never been able to fulfill his responsibilities and I just... I don't want you to meet him," Sarah said it all in one go, only pausing a bit to take a breath.
Olivier's face broke into a big smile, as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "What?" Sarah asked, narrowing her eyes.
"You're silly. Are you crazy? Look, Sarah, I love you, okay? I love how you are, who you are, whatever you are. And I want to know the smallest of things that have made you the way you are, and I want to thank every person who'd made the girl I would give up my whole world for the way she is, because I can't imagine loving her any other way. I don't care if he's terrible, I don't care if I don't even like him, I still want to meet him. I need to thank him for being terrible, because that's what made you so loving and kind. I want to be a part of every little thing in your world, like you are in mine. So, basically, we're going. No more argument," Olivier said, leaning in and brushing his nose against Sarah's.
Sarah still wasn't sure, but Olivier's words had her smiling wide. He was so lovely and his love for her amazed her every time, she just couldn't believe he was hers. "I love you more, you know that. But are you sure?" Sarah asked one last time, her smile a little less wider when asking.
"I know, I know. I'm absolutely, 100 percent sure," Olivier answered, crinkling his nose a bit while flashing a reassuring smile. Sarah stared on at him with nothing but love and respect for him in her eyes, while he wrapped her arms tighter around her and stared back with the same sort of look.

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