Chapter Fifteen

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Dan was in the toilet washing his hand when Jake opened the door. They locked eyes in the mirror and Dan winced visibly. The bruise on Jake’s face looked even worse than it did yesterday, the middle of his cheek has swollen and looked painful. Jake dropped his eyes and moved to stand in front of the urinal. Dan heard the flush and dried his hands, taking his time.

Jake moved to wash his hands in the sink next to Dan’s, avoiding to look at his reflection in the mirror. He knew the bruise looked bad, pretty bad. Going I.E yesterday made him look like a horror movie harlequin.

Dan felt the need to leave; it was weird being with Jake in the toilet especially after yesterday. He tossed his tissues in the bin and headed to the door when Jake gripped him. Dan jumped, his eyes shot at Jake’s grip around his arm, “What?” His heart raced.

“Sorry.” Jake’s hold loosened and he dropped his arm to his side. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He glanced around the empty toilet and then looked at Dan. “Can you meet me after school today?” He whispered.

Dan raised his eyebrows. “Why?” His heart never slowing down.

“Please.” Jake said. “I’ll be waiting at the school corner.” A boy entered the toilet, cutting their conversation short. Jake stepped out, not giving Dan a chance to reply.

It wasn’t long before the school bell rang, announcing the end of the day. Students stormed out of their classrooms, crowding the hallway. Dan walked out of the school’s entrance, his legs leading him to that place. He spotted Jake from afar, a cigarette between his fingers.  “I’m here.” Dan announced, as if Jake couldn’t see him.

Jake grinned sharply, “And so you are.” placing the cigar between his lips. “I have a place.” He said letting the words hang in the air, waiting for Dan’s reaction.

Dan stood with his hands in his pockets, curling them into fists. “And?”

“We could go there if you want, it’s more private.” Jake said, giving Dan the option.

Dan nodded, not sure he could form words right now. He didn’t owe Jake anymore, so why is he here, listening to him.

Jake didn’t expect Dan to comply so quickly. It seems like he was closer to the finish line than he thought. And it hit him, the urge, so strong and sudden in his chest it was so hard not to jump on Dan, right here in the fucking daylight. The urge so strong, Jake had to turn around and walk. He strode, hoped that Dan was following him. He tried to find the calm place, the relaxed place, get out of this godamned need, this craving, this wanting, this missing thing. Pondered saying something that was cool and banter, better than: fuck, I missed you. 

Dan thought he had completely lost his mind, how the fuck could he even consider the idea of following that jerk? and yet, there he was, a couple of steps behind him. Curiosity? No. This was much more. 

They stopped before a five-story building, it looked abandoned, neglected; the walls were full of graffiti. The few windows uninviting with dirty grey net curtains. In the distance Dan could see a man and a woman. Her arms were around his neck and his arms were around her waist, laughing and kissing all the while. Dan stopped and stared at them as Jake pushed the wooden door open. 

"You okay?" Jake asked, holding the door open. 

Dan gave a sad smile and nodded. He didn't know what to expect as he followed Jake up the stairs, each one groaned and lurched more than the last. It was so eerie that he felt the need to whisper. "How'd you find a place like this?" His words were followed by a sound of a door slamming on the top floor. He jerked violently to the sound as it echoed through the building like a rolling thunder. "What the fuck was that?" 

"Oh, that's just the ghost that roams around here.”  Jake replied sarcastically. Didn't know where the jokes came from. He walked to the flat, Dan a few steps behind him. He fished for a key in his pocket, and with a careful hand, he turned the key in the lock and opened the door. "Home sweet home?" He chuckled as he gestured for Dan to walk in. 

Dan walked around the room, his footsteps surprisingly silent as he trailed a hand along the wall; he glanced around, taking in the large room. There was hardly anything in here; a black sofa in the center, a window panel, which had clearly been broken for sometime, and the mattress had clearly seen better days. "Not bad.." 

Jake walked to where Dan was standing and crossed his arms "What, don't like it?" A teasing note to his voice. Didn’t realize that his joke made Dan’s skin crawl. 

Playing along, Dan laughed nervously, slightly taken aback by the banter. Ah, fuck, he was never used to them talking, always busy ripping each other's shirts or tearing out each other's throat. This was unusual, very uncomfortable. Gathering himself a little, he sat on the couch. 

Jake nodded slowly, unsure of what to say, making conversation with Dan without the help of the radio was harder than he thought. "I would offer you a drink, but all I have is tap water." He snorted, walking to the other side of the couch, but not sitting down. Dan didn't comment, just watched him, knew he was stalling again.

Jake took his time, aware of Dan watching him. He took off his jacket and tossed it on the table, then emptied the items in his pockets just to buy him more time; cigarette pack, iPhone, a wallet, and two keys. He wanted to do this right, even though he didn't know if there even was a right way to do it. Didn't know where to start. 

Dan pushed himself up higher on the couch and sat a little straighter, waiting. He could see the muscles under Jake's shirt flexing, before he turned to face him. Dan studied Jake's face, the cut on his lip looked recent, and the bruise on his cheek had a dark purple colour. 

 Jake turned his attention to Dan, who was staring at him with patient eyes, a frown on his face "Does it hurt?" He asked, and Jake, for a slight moment was confused but then his mind caught up to Dan's. He clenched his jaw and forced himself to even his tone. "What, this?" He pointed at his face and smirked. "Nah, I've had worse." 

Dan nodded and looked down at his shoes, not sure what to do with himself. He knew Jake did a lot of street fighting, so he didn't ask any further questions. Didn't think he was welcomed to. 

Jake finally sat down, one leg up to rest an arm on his knee, fingers open, dangling in a show of relaxation and looked straight ahead. "I wish I could do something to fix this.."  He sat back, stretched his leg, then turned to face Dan.

Dan met his eyes and sighed. "Yeah." The silence found its way back to the room and he looked away, trying to calm his stammering heart, the only sound present.

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