Hello & Goodbye...

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Goodbye Summer....

There is something about the tranquil, soothing sounds of waves crashing against the shore, fresh ocean air, and the feeling of sand between my toes as I read my favorite book "The Fault in Our Stars", under a leafy tree on a picnic mat. Sounds pretty cliché right? That's how I spent my entire summer holidays. And especially today I'm feeling very gloomy even though the sun is shining brightly. Why, you may ask? SUMMER HOLIDAYS ARE OVER! 3 months of going to the beach everyday with my best friend, (who eventually gave up coming with me because she got a summer job) disappeared like a flash. I now have so many regrets and so many more things I want to do, but I can't, because school starts tomorrow! 

What I learned from this incident: 

1. Make a list of things you want to do on the holidays BEFORE the summer holidays.

2. Take a picture of wherever you are, whatever you're doing on the holidays and print it out then make a scrapbook so the memories will last forever. (Or just upload your photos on Facebook cos that makes life so much easier)

3. Don't be like me and go to the beach everyday, read the same book everyday, instead of earning pocket money or hanging out with friends. (Not that I'm against the idea of going to the beach everyday and reading the same book everyday....wait I am...or not..I don't know..)

What I'm trying to say is, to all my lovely readers, I hope you spent your holidays wisely and did all the things you wanted to do. I didn't spend a very productive holiday. So don't be like me.

Til next time, xoxox

As soon as I posted my blog post, a million thoughts flashed through my mind of what to do on my last day of holidays, what to eat, what books I should read, and so on... Without realizing, a fluffy black and white dog was happily trotting along in front of me. He was so adorable I HAD to snap a few shots of him on my camera. He looked friendly, but big and a little scary. If he stood on two legs he would probably be as tall as me. But I wasn't really bothered by him because I was pleased with all the photos I snapped, and then took a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich which seemed to alert the dog, and made him come charging at me. I immediately stood up, ready to run, but it was too late! I closed my eyes and took a final breath as the gigantic dog pounced on me making me fall on my back as I screamed in terror. But to my horror, nothing could come out of my mouth! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't scream for help. I was in shock. The dog was heavy and his claws were sharp. That's all I could remember...........until I heard a very tired voice screaming, I had hope. 


That was the day my ordinary life changed..........

Author's note:

Hey guys! thewhitecanary here! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and please continue reading for more! I'll post chapters whenever I can, hope you get excited for more drama and romance on it's way! ;) 

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