First kiss

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Josie's pov
Ever since my so called brother came to the village we have been on high alert. Naruto hasn't left me alone since then, asking me questions and making sure I don't get hurt. It's driving me crazy! It's not like I don't enjoy the attention from him it's just that when he is always around me guarding me. It makes me feel weak. I'm not a little girl. As I walked to the home me and Sakura share I sense Naruto closely behind me. I use a sharigen  (don't know how to spell it!😖). It was so close to his head it cut off strands of hair. "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" He yells at me. I just grow angrier and start yelling. "IM A BIG GIRL NARUTO I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!" I scream out at him. He then backs up and gives me a look of sympathy for some reason. I then realize there are tears streaming down my cheeks. He then comes and hugs me and I try to push him away. He won't budge. "Hey lets go get some romen just us ok," he says to comfort me. I stop crying and nod with a hint of a unnoticed smile. He then takes me to a little romen shop with awkward silence the whole way. I didn't understand why I cried , I never cry in front of anyone. I was so confused. We then arrived and he bout two bowls as I picked at mine. He gave me a look of sympathy again and I have him a glance but turned away. "I'll leave you to alone," the ramen guy said as he left to the back of the ramen shop. "Josie,why did you cry. I know you probably don't wanna tell me though," he says giving me sympathy. I give him a stare that would kill and say "I don't need your sympathy, just forget about me and go date Sakura or something." He looks at me in utter shock like he didn't know I knew he liked me. It was in the way he stared at me. Like my brother the opposite sex always gave me the attention which made other girls dislike me. I can't say I don't like Naruto but I don't have time to date. I then feel a strong embrace around me as I attempt to get out of the snake grip known as Naruto. But he wouldn't let go. I start hitting him but he didn't budge. "Josie..I know you don't like me and I make you really mad a lot but..I will love you even though you hate me. Even though you wish I was dead. I will love you and never leave you so don't you dare say 'go to Sakura or something!" He yells tearing up. I start crying on his shoulder as well. "I' sorry Naruto!" I yell hugging him crying on his shoulder. He hugs me tighter as I felt a tear from Naruto drop on my shoulder. I let go a little a wipe his tear away. "There's no need for you to cry to I'm sorry. I will never make you cry again," I promised him with a weak smile. And as I did I felt a warm pair of lips on mine and I open my eyes to see Naruto kissing me! He breaks the kiss and starts apologizing to me. "Josie I'm so sorry I just-" I cut him off with a kiss of my own. I break it and blush. "I-I enjoyed it I-idiot," I say and he looks me in the eye and blushes. "I call not telling Sasuke," I say and run away. "HEY!" He yells chasing after me. That was my first kiss and will be in my memory forever.

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