Ch2. The Bad Luck

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Camila's POV

"Have you guys seen the crazy rain outside?" Dinah asked, pushing the curtain aside to look out of the window.

Camila responded with a soft chuckle and rolled her eyes, it was obvious to the brunette that her friend was attempting to frighten her.

"Wow," Normani began, "I'm serious Mila, it's pretty bad out there," Normani leaned over the couch looking out the window.

Just then, all the lights had turned off.

"Great fucking luck!" Camila cursed, accidentally slipping off the couch in the rush of getting up.

"Idiot," Normani mumbled softly.

"Guys, if I wanna get my power back I have to go to the main switch outside of my house," Dinah explained, trying to search for the two figures of her friends in the dark.

For seconds, nothing was heard. Until Camila's loud groan, "I'm not going out there with you!"

"Yes you are, Mani is too, everyone is contributing in the mission of rescuing the Hansen Residence's lights," Dinah said loud and proud, as if it were an actual mission.

"And if I don't?" Camila smirked... In the dark.

"No pizza for you," Normani exclaimed, causing Dinah to clap her hands.

"Wow, fine," Camila sighed.

Dinah searched for her iPhone so she could turn on a flashlight. Once she did, the friends had gotten an umbrella and made their way out of the house in an attempt to find the power switch.

Camila looked up to notice many of the neighbors, probably out for a similar reason.

"My power switch is connected to the house next to mine, so if we turn it on, my neighbor gets the power back too," Dinah explained as she attempted to drag her feet out of the mud.

"In other words, someone is taking advantage of our hard work?" Normani groaned, watching unhappily as the mud ruined her Nike's.

The three of them jumped up and down, trying not to get much of the mud on them as they made their way to the power switch at the side of their house. The switch was connected to the one hidden on the side of the home of whoever lived there. To turn on the lights, both of the power switches must be on.

"Okay, this thing," Dinah slammed her hand against a green box, it hung on the side of her house.

Normani held onto the opening and pulled, attempting to open the power box, however she was unsuccessful.

"You guys are so weak, watch this!" Camila kissed her imaginary muscles, held on tight to the opening, and pulled.

However she ended up falling back into the mud.

Dinah laughed hysterically at Camila, before reaching her hand out to help her friend up.

Normani continued to try and open the box, this went on for another five minutes.

"This is never gonna open," Dinah frowned, slamming the box in anger.

"May I be of some assistance?" An unfamiliar voice asked. The voice was raspy, lively, most of all, to Camila's ears, sexy.

Camila looked over as well as the other girls.

Her eyes practically fell out of her head when she saw it was none other than the new girl.

Normani, Dinah, and Camila stood there with their jaws open at the sight of the new girl. No one said a word.

"Do you guys speak English?" The new girl awkwardly asked, scratching her head in confusion.

"Y-yeah we do. Sorry, you're the new girl at Miami High?" Dinah asked, wondering if it was just a striking resemblance or the truth had come out that the new girl was her neighbor.

Camila took in the girl's features. She could see the hint of green in her eyes even though it was quite dark outside. Her lips were soft and plushed, pink and kissable. She wore a black rain jacket, black leggings, and a black pair of rain boots.

"Yes, I'm Lauren... Jauregui," the girl introduced herself, she smiled briefly before looking back at the green box.

"Oh um, yeah we can use some help. I'm Normani Kordei," Normani stepped aside, receiving a smile from Lauren before the girl stepped in front of the power box.

"I'm Dinah Jane," Dinah whispered, attempting not to disturb Lauren as she examined the box.

Lauren nodded in response. The raven haired girl held onto the door of the power box with her index and middle finger. With ease, she managed to open the box.

Dinah and Normani widened their eyes. What had taken them nearly ten minutes, only took Lauren five seconds.

Lauren flipped the switch and closed the power box.

She turned to look back at Dinah and Camila.

"So, does this one speak English?" Lauren asked, eyeing Camila. Camila felt as if she was a worm and Lauren was a curious child poking her with a stick.

"No," Dinah answered, "Japanese."

"Interesting, I would've assumed she spoke French," Lauren chuckled, staring into the caramel eyes that hadn't spoken a word.

"I don't know why she's not saying anything, she can be weird sometimes," Normani shrugged.

Meanwhile, Camila felt weird in the presence of this being. This being with green eyes. With a voice she could listen to for hours. She didn't know what it was, but she stared intensely at Lauren as she attempted to decipher what felt off about her.

Lauren stared back. She furrowed her eyebrows and watched as Camila looked at her in deep thought.

After a couple more seconds of staring and silence, Lauren had decided to speak up.

"So, do you guys wanna come over to my place? I just ordered Chinese," Lauren offered, smiling widely at Dinah.

"I think we'll have to unfortunately decline that offer, we have uh, um, a book report to finish and I'm allergic to Chinese food," Camila quickly answered, causing Lauren to raise her eyebrows.

"So the unspoken mystery, has finally awakened," Lauren joked, "well then I guess it was nice meeting you guys. See you around at school," Lauren gave a sad smile and walked off.

Dinah waved.

Once the new girl was out of sight, Dinah and Normani gave Camila an unhappy look.

"What the fuck was that Camila?" Normani rudely asked.

"She's strange, I don't like it," the brunette answered, she turned away and marched into the house.


A/N: hello. Yes, I am alive. I'm sorry for not updating Leather Jacket or this in a month. I've been really busy with school. Love you guys and thank you for the endless support.

Twitter- dinahsgoat

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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