Chapter 5

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*Beau's POV*

I nervously paced back and forth in the living room. My shaking hands ran threw my graying hair as I looked up at the clock.

"Where the fuck is she?" I whispered to myself. The slam of the front door caused me to turn quickly around.

"Where the hell have you been?!" I asked Belle when I saw her walk into the house. She threw her bag into the corner of the room and looked at me.

"Calm down Daddy. I was at Lilly's." she spoke and plopped down on the couch in the living room. I looked at her. She wore dark eye makeup and bright red lip stick and her ombré hair was thrown into a sloppy ponytail. She wore a tight tank top and shorts that were a bit too short. She was my little princess but right now she looked like a whore.

She typed on her phone as I continued to look at her.

"What?" She asked and looked at me. I sat down next to her.

"I was just worried about you, that's all." I whispered to her. She smiled an obviously fake smile. I gave my daughter a gentle hug and a small kiss on the cheek. The slight smell of alcohol came off of her body. I moved back from her and looked at her.

"So what'd you do last night?" I asked her, already knowing the answer.

"Oh well, Lilly and I did our nails and then watched a movie and ate food." She said.

"That's it?" I asked. She nodded her head yes. I stood from my seat on the couch and looked her in the eye. I knew she was lying.

"Don't lie to me." I said.

"I'm not lying, Daddy." She said back, her green eyes becoming wide.

"Belles, cut the crap! I know you were drinking last night. You still smell of beer. I also know about the guy that was in your bed the other morning so don't pretend to be some sweet innocent little girl. I'm your father. You can't hide anything from me. I know everything!" My voice grew loud. Belle looked down at her hands. "What happened Belle? You used to be my princess..."

"Yeah well things change!" she snapped and stood from the couch. "I grew up!" she yelled in my face and began to run up the stairs.

"You're only 16! You have all the time in the world to grow up!" I yelled. The slam of her bedroom door told me that she didn't care. I sighed and sat on the couch again, resting my head on my hands.

"What am I going to do with her Ellie?" I asked looking at a family picture that sat in the coffee table.


*Belle's POV*

I slammed by bedroom door, drowning out my dads voice. I hated him so much sometimes.

I picked up a backpack that was thrown on the floor and began filling it with clothes. I put my makeup and shoes in there as well. I threw my wallet and phone in there last.

After everything was packed, I flung open my bedroom window and slung the backpack over my back. I stepped out of the window and onto one of the branches of the tree in front of my window. I held tightly onto the branch before swinging down to the soft grass beneath. I sneakily walked to my car and grabbed hold of the handle.

"Shit." I mumbled when I realized that the door was locked and that my keys were in the living room. I looked up at the house. The lights were on in the living room which meant that my dad was in there and I didn't feel like going in there and dealing with him right now, especially since he thought I was still in my room. I turned toward the street and began walking in the direction of Lilly's house.


Guys guess what! Im going to a Fall Out Boy concert right now and I'm so excited!!! I'm sorry that This is a short and kind of crappy chapter but I wanted you guys to get a little bit of Beaus POV. And I also wanted to leave it a cliff hanger kind of. I hope you guys liked it!! Love y'all :) xx ~Kayla

Unspoken Words (Janoskians fanfic; sequel to "Baby, Just Say Yes")Where stories live. Discover now