Boys don't kiss boys

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A/N: Yes I know that they didn't know each other as children and that Brian is older than Roger, but get off my sh*t and enjoy this cute sh*t. I loooove it ;) They are about 9-11 years old. AND yes I know they act really grown up but.... I don't care, it's adorable as f*ck anyways.

Brian P.O.V

"Please be quiet now class, we have a new boy, who will start in our class, his name is Roger "Mrs. Smith looked out at us with her hands on the new boy's shoulders, she's the best teacher! She lets us read whatever we want! The other boys reads boring stuff, I only want to read about the stars.

But there he was, he had blond hair and blue eyes. I tried to meet his eyes, but he was looking around the class. I want to talk to him, I have to. He eyes stopped and looked like he found something interesting in my classroom, I looked behind me to see what he was looking at. I realised I sat alone, and it hit me. I shot my hand up in the air with I don't know how many miles an hour, it went that fast! But Mrs. Smith was busy talking with Roger, so she didn't look at me. I sat and eagerly waved my hand, hoping to get noticed.

"What is it Brian?" She asked, when she finally looked at me.

"He can sit with me Mrs. Smith, I sit alone" I said, waiting for an answer. Hoping with all my heart he could sit next to me!

"That's a good idea Brian, Roger go sit next to him, he doesn't bite" She winked at him, giving him a gentle push towards my table.

Roger nervously took his bag, and slowly walked towards me and sat next to me, he looked at me with this special look, no one has ever looked at me like that. Not like the special look from my mum, but not a look from other boys, it was special in some odd way.

"Hi, I'm Roger... Roger Taylor" He said biting his nails, he looked so tiny and scared.

"I'm Brian, nice to meet you" I really hope he would like to be friends, I don't really have any friends, I don't like playing football, so I just sit alone reading in the break.

Then I heard the bell rang, and all my classmates messily threw the books in their bags. No one should handle books that way! Roger looked around the classroom, I could see his hands were all shaky. He just sat looking out at nothing, I could tell he was scared. Maybe he think I don't want to play with him, but why would he think that? Oh I know, I'll just ask him.. Maybe he wants to play with me!

"Do you want to maybe... Play with me?" I asked him, he looked up at me, as I was a little bit taller than him. His eyes were like blue orbs, I could see they were full of hope and happiness, I think I know his answer.

"I thought you'd never ask" He said. Together we walked out of the classroom.

We went out, I had no idea what to do, but maybe we could just talk? I don't know what he likes, what if he wants to play football? Then I have to play football I guess.

Then Roger said.

"Maybe we could just talk?" He looked around at all the other children.

"Yeah, I think that'd be nice." I said looking at him.

We talked about lots of things. Like pets, family, school, and music.

He really liked music, just like me! Maybe we could have a band together as grown ups! And he is the perfect friend. Maybe we could be best friends! Then our little bubble popped by the bell ringing. I really like talking to Roger. I didn't want to have classes again and I have never felt that way before! We got back in class, and I looked at the clock. 2 hours till the next break. He had English, Roger was really good at it, I'm better at math and stuff like that. He was really good with words. I think that's really hard. When the bell rang, we got out and talked again, I really felt like I have finally met my bestfriend. I think he enjoys my company too, I hope at least. Roger came up idea of climbing up the trees in the schoolyard, so we climbed to the top where we could see all the other children.

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