Chapter 19

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A while had passed after the trio had landed in Tatooine. Anakin had visited the creature who he used to work for, and received directions to where his mother would be, as she was no longer a slave. The creature looked very surprised to see Anakin, and slightly intimidated, as far as Elara could tell.

As they approached the site where Anakin's mother was supposed to be, a protocol droid seemed to take notice of them.

"Hello! I am C-3PO! How may I be of service?" The droid asked.

"Threepio?" Anakin questioned, with surprise.

"Master Ani? Is that you? Oh, what a pleasure it is to meet you again!" Threepio exclaimed, causing Elara and Padmé to smile.

"Thanks, Threepio. I'm looking for my mother." Anakin explained. The droid, although appearing emotionless, seemed saddened at Anakin's words.

"Let's take it inside then, shall we?" Threepio suggested, and began to lead the group to a man and a woman in the distance.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker, and this is Padmé, and Ellie." The boy introduced, and held out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Owen Lars, and this is my girlfriend Beru." The man replied, and shook Anakin's hand kindly. Beru smiled and did the same.

"Your Shmi's son?" Owen asked, and Anakin nodded in response. "Then I guess that makes you my step brother." He added, thoughtfully.

"Is my mother here?" Anakin questioned. Owen's face fell, and he opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off.

"No, she's not. Cliegg Lars, Shmi's my wife." A man using a wheelchair introduced himself.

"Where is she?" Anakin demanded, and Elara could feel how tense he was through the force.

"You should come inside, and join us for dinner. We have a lot to talk about." Cliegg spoke. Anakin hesitantly agreed.

At the dinner table inside of the Lars home, Beru served everyone food and refreshments, which she was thanked greatly for.

"It was just before dawn. Shmi went out to pick mushrooms, as she always did, when she was attacked. A group of them- Tuscan Raiders, kidnapped her. Based on her footprints, she was about halfway back when they got her. 30 of us went out to try and save her, and only 4 came back. I didn't want to give up on Shmi, but it's been a month and I am too injured to ride." Cliegg explained, with sorrow evident in his tone. Elara felt the pain Anakin was feeling, and softly took his hand in hers under the table. He looked at her and managed to smile thankfully, before standing up and removing his hand from her grasp.

"Where are you going?" Owen called.

"To find my mother." Anakin spoke curtly, before exiting the house.

"Stay here, Padmé. You'll be safe." Elara spoke, before standing up. "Thank you for everything." She directed to Anakin's family, and then left to follow the boy.

In the distance, she could see him starting up a speeder, and quickly ran forwards to meet him.

"Anakin, wait!" Elara exclaimed, and he looked up from the speeder to meet her eyes. The boy let out a sigh.

"Elara, you're going to have to stay here." He stated, to which she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not letting you go by yourself." The girl crossed her arms defiantly.

"You must. I don't want you to get hurt." Anakin tried to reason, but Elara wasn't anywhere close to complying.

"Stop pushing me away! Let me help you!" She exclaimed, and clenched her hands into fists. Anakin was silent for a moment, before he cupped her face with both of his hands.

"This is something I must do myself." He spoke softly, and Elara felt her eyes fill with tears.

"If I was trying to save my brother, you would want to help me too." The girl pointed out, and blinked the tears forming in her eyes away.

"You won't take no for an answer, will you?" Anakin asked, and when Elara nodded in agreement, the boy sighed.

"Come on, then." He spoke, and removed his hands from her face. They both hopped in to the speeder, and together, soared away into darkening sky of Tatooine.

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