A List Of 20 Insults

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1) I would insult you, but nature did a better job.
2) Your the reason the gene pool needs a life guard.
3) I would call you a tool but that would be implying your useful for at least on thing.
4 ) I hope you outlive your children
5) You will die alone, afraid and your passing will not be noticed, much less mourned by anyone or anything.
(This one really got me👇)
6) On a good day your a half-wit, you have a deficiency in all that lends character, you have the personality of a wallpaper, spammers look down on you, phone sex operators hang up on you, telemarketers refuse to be seen in public with you. May you choke on your own foolish opinions. Dont bother openning the door when you leave- you should be able to slime your way out underneath.
7) If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump down to your IQ level and fall to the bottom of the begginging of your GPA. Because there is no begging or end to your GPA.
8) Shut up you'll never be the man you mother is
9) You wanna know why all your dreams, inspirations and hopes die? Its not because of the circumstance, or other people, its you. You are the cause for all your failings. Also that little voice in the back if your head stating you'll never be good enough? Its right, take a page from its book.
10) "Whos this clown?" It implies that not only they are a clown, but not even a very well known clown.
11) I refuse to have a battle of wits and comebacks with an unarmed person.
Attention, ahead is the more...Adult insults, you have been warned
12)Your as dumb as cow sh**, and only half as useful.
13) Id love to see things in your perspective but I dont think I can shove my head that far up my a**
14) Does your a** get jealous of all the sh** that comes from your mouth.
15) If I ate some alphabet soup, I could sh** out smarter sentences than yours.
16) Your so ugly I couldnt pay a ten cent hooke* five dollars to fu** you.
17) shut your gob. You festering Ti*
18) I would skin you alive and sell your hide to the museum of Worthless Motherfu****s
19) If I was in a room with you, Osama Bin Laden, and Hitler, and had a gun with two bullets. Id shoot you twice.
20) I would call you a cu** but you lack the depth and the warmth of one so my statement would be wrong.

Ehhh? Ehhh was I useful to shut the trap of a bully. And these insults are meant as comebacks not revenge

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