9.) Ghost

78 4 14

Its actually obvious...
Who doesn't scare the peeps at the
Lavender Tower?

It can't be fought right?
Your pokemon gets flinched
It can't be caught,
Cause its dodging it

Well I'm glad that someone got it!


It is a thing that symbolizes





Here's the next ridlss

A Famous Trainer's Mate
Copying is my Fate

Black and Red
Like the dead

Fox like Pokemon
Maybe Smarter than a Digimon


Ok guys! I'll be off for 1 week so keep

Why 1 week?

Cause I have a camping day the whole week!

At that place

There is no Magic ( if I want to use my brain... )

No WiFi

No way to write...

Bye bye!

Please check my Stories also!

See Nya~ soon!!!

Nyaa ~

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