Chapter 2: White eyes

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Chapter 2: White Eyes


"Mexx come quick! The mayor is about to do a speech in front of the whole village," says Blaze.

"Wait 1 second!" I mumble. As I lazily get out of bed. I put my red hoodie on, and my blue jeans.

Me and Blaze both walk to the center of town where we see a small group of people, and the.....

Mayor. He gets out of his chair a stands up straight about to give his speech, but he looks scared.

"As you all now I'm the mayor of the village, my name is Notch and I will be telling you that.......

BOOM!!! A huge Explosion is made through out the village!! Some people are screaming. This is

Not good. I grab my diamond Axe out, then Blaze says "Where did you get that??!?"

"I got it long ago," I respond. Now lets go see the trouble. We race to where all the fire is.

Holy Notch, I can remember those white eyes from anywhere. It's Herobrine......

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