They're Coming

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As I walked with the guards, servants of House Brock stared at me and my black war paint but when our eyes would meet, theirs would quickly avert back to the floor and continue their duties.

I saw a handmaiden carry a bucket of soap and water and stopped her causing her to look at me in fear.

"Yes, Commander"?

She said quietly looking at the floor, I didn't answer her as I'm known for not speaking in public and put my hand on the hilt of my sword and I heard her breath hitch in fear and her small whimper when I unsheathed my sword, the beautiful ring being heard in the air.

I then reached and grabbed her hand that hand a dirty rag in it and seeped it into the soap water all while looking in her eyes and guided her hand to my sword cleaning it until it shined and showed my reflection.

I let go of the rag and her hand then continued on my way to The King's quarters, once me and the guards got to the front door I turned to the guards and motioned for them to leave and once they did, turned to the big thick wooden doors and pushed them open revealing Balian Brock, my Uncle hunched over a big map of Westeros deep in thought.

"You wanted to see me Uncle"?

He turned towards me startled, clearly not hearing me come in.

"Well yes Leska I indeed did, please have a sit"

He gestured to the chair across from him and I sat curious, his the only one who I let call me Leska then by my fake name Asrima, if word got out that I'm the last living heir of the Trikru line all hell would break loose... literally.

"We have a few guests visiting"

He took a huge breath as if he was about to spill some bad news.

"The Seven Kingdoms are visiting"

He stopped and watched my face waiting for my reaction.


I questioned with a very confused expression and slight disgust for one house in particular.
Uncle sighed and shook his head before saying,
"It is a peace meeting as we are in war with the Lannister's and I'm taking all the pre-cautions that I can and that involves you."

"So you want me to be on my best behavior while you babysit me at the same time"? I guessed on a whim. By the way his face fell my whim was correct. He shook his head "No, that's not it at all I just... I just know the anger that you feel at the Lannister's for taking away your home, your family, your life-"

I grew increasingly angrier and stood slamming my hand on the desk.
"Your damn right, they took everything and I deserve to be angry, I deserve to have their heads on sticks for all of Westeros to see, they deserve to see their kingdom fall just as mine had, I want them dead and you won't let me kill them so yes I am livid so much so to the fact that I have to bottle up all of that anger instead of letting it come out in waves to those we have wronged us and your inviting them into our home to snuff around and poison our walls with their distasteful remarks and cheap jewels"!!!

"ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY"!!! Uncle Brock yelled pausing my argument, my stare on him. He sighed. "As well as your families anniversary... I want to keep you safe and by doing so I have to keep you close but hidden but that doesn't mean that you can't be celebrated, it's not unknown knowledge that your family has done more than any of the other houses in decades... and I want to honor that... I know your angry but the time for your revenge will come, just not now so please just trust me". He looked into my eyes, both of ours with unshed tears. He held out his hand "Please" I looked at his hand and back into his eyes. 

"Okay" I put my hand in his and just held it, many emotions rushing through me "I trust you" He smiled and nodded "Now back to the plan... to prepare the biggest feast, Westeros has ever seen"

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