letter eleven

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Dear best friend,

I've always wondered why you acted like a completely different person when we're in a large group of people, but it wasn't until now that I've figured out why. It's all about popularity to you. It's about having everyone like you, and everyone worshiping the ground you walk on. However, there is no such thing as popularity. Popularity is a term made up by society to establish a hierarchy. Popularity is showing that it is the societal norm to be the "perfect" person. Popularity is a term society uses to show people that not everyone is on the same level. It shows that those who are stereotyped as, "losers, dorks, geeks, and nerds," are unimportant to those who are considered, "goals!"Popularity is a term society invented to prove that human beings are ruthless; putting down and bullying those who don't have as many friends as them. Popularity is a dressed up word for a high school oligarchy. The school is run by a few select people who are seen as the best any human being can be; and together they make decisions and control the actions of those around them.

You don't want to be popular. You want to be in charge of everyone. You want to rule the school, and you want to become a dictator. If that's what you want, then by all means, go right ahead. But make sure you're ready for an uprising.


A girl who will lead the rebellion

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