In Safe Hands.

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Rick strode over the tracks, staring at the path ahead of the group.

"I think we got about a day's worth of water left. We're lucky it's cooled off a little bit, but..." The moment he turned around he noticed that the only one paying any sort of attention was Fergus. Lara was mesmerised, skilfully walking backwards watching the spectacle of Carl and Michonne balancing on either side of the tracks, determined not to fall.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked, stopping and turning to face them, a growing smile upon his face.

"Winning a bet."

"In your dreams." Michonne scoffed at the boy.

"My money's on Carl here, sorry Michonne." Lara chuckled, stopping walking backwards when she bumped into Rick, who steadied her, both hands on both of her arms. She looked back and beamed in thanks, and Rick just chuckled at the trio.

"Shame on you! Girl power and all that?" Michonne gasped.

"I'm still on." Carl said, and then immediately wobbled before regaining his balance.

Michonne and Lara burst out laughing.

"You spoke too soon, wise guy."

"This might go on a while. Maybe we can speed this up." Rick suggested, walking toward them, Lara close by his side.

"Yeah, you're right. Shouldn't be fooling around..." Michonne agreed, and Lara watched her terrible plan unfurl,

"We should probably-- Carl!"

In seconds Michonne had wobbled herself off the side of the track, and Carl soon joined her.

"I win. Pay up." He smirked, holding a hand out expectantly. They watched as Michonne sulkily pulled her bag around and presented two candy bars from inside.

"Is that really the last Big Cat?" He asked, looking at the two bars in her hand. He slowly reached out, further until he was hovering his hand above his particular favourite, earning a grown from Michonne.

"Oh, come on." She guffawed.

"Hey, but you said winner's choice." He shrugged.

"Go ahead, take it. It's yours. You won it fair and square." She gave him the bar, and gave Lara the other.

Rick and Lara watched Carl open the wrapper, break the bar and offer it to Michonne who seemed reluctant to accept it.

"Come on, we always share." He pleaded, grinning when she finally accepted the other half, before all three turned back to walking along the railway.

Lara heard Carl and Michonne delve into conversation, and she instantly found it awkward that her and Rick were walking in subdued silence. She could feel him building himself up to say something, so in the meantime she waited.

She opened the wrapper and broke it in half, mimicking Carl's previous actions. Rick looked down at the food being handed to him. He shook his head,

"No, you have it."

"If I don't offer you this you won't eat a damn thing." She said bossily, gesturing the food closer to him, relishing in her small victory when he finally accepted the offering.

The pair finished their chocolate, and she heard Rick cough.

"Lara, I- I've been meaning to talk to you about something." He began, and looked down at her patiently.

Both Eyes Open - Daryl Dixon (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now