How to Start your day... Not

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The names Andilan, Penny Andilan ( I just went all James Bond there) Only three days till the start of my Sophomore year at Wylie high school, and only three more days till I can escape the prison known as Starbucks. Don't get me wrong I love Starbucks, I mean who doesn't want to drink overpriced sugary coffee every day, but it's not so great when you work there. It was awesome when I first got the job but now well can I say that I will never look at Starbucks the same way again, especially when you're stuck trying write people's name correctly with a fake smile on your face as you repeat their orders back to them, it is much more excruciating then it seems. The only reason I haven't quit yet is because of my best friend Trinity Scott but everyone calls her Trin. Today was much more draining then neccesary, and it didn't help that a middle aged balding dude was taking a year to order his drink, I mean seriously, they should make it a law or something to have your orders ready before you enter the store. A long line was already starting to form and I was tapping my sharpie impatiently against the marble table top, waiting. He finally ordered the Caramel Frapp and I quickly wrote his name on the cup before handing it to Trin (and I'm pretty sure I butchered his name in the process). I continued on with the line until the last person came then I was on to my brake.
"Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order" I didn't even bother to say it enthusiastically this time, I couldn't wait for it to be over.
" Oh of course not" said a familiar sarcastic voice "I just waited in line for the past 10 minutes just to say hi and thanks for the enthusiasm cousin, I'm surprised they haven't fired you yet"
And that my friends was the voice of my favorite cousin of all time (note the sarcasm) or as most people call her Deborah. She is starting her Senior year at Wylie and thanks to the over sized brain of hers she is a shoe in for Valedictorian. I would sit here stating all of her previous accomplishments but then we'd be here a while I don't even know how she has time to do all these things, it's actually quite annoying.
"Ah how's my favorite brainiac cousin today,"
"From the looks of your rat nest of hair and the bags under used eyes much better than you" she replied.
"Well I've been here since 6:00 and I went to sleep at 1:00 so can you blame me"
"Your fault for spending the entire night watching Netflix on your computer"
"How'd you know I was doing that. Are you stalking me or something? Did you put like a secret bug in my computer that tells you what I'm doing at all times?"then in a terrified voice I replied,"did my parents put you up to it?"
I know it's sounds crazy but with the oversized brain of hers I seriously fear my privacy. She once hacked into my phone from her bedroom and me me think my phone was haunted (that is possible by the way and I will do it).
"No, I just know you well in of to know you spend half your time on netflix, and I checked your hour by hour data, but seriously 32 hours a week, that's almost how much time I spend reading"
"Ya right you must spend at least 40 hours reading"
She shrugged and replied,"True,True,but now's not the time I've got to pick up my sister from her friends house so get me my usual,grab Trin and let's get moving."
She handed me her credit card and I went to pick up her drink. I took of the starbucks apron and yelled at Trin to get her lazy butt out here already. Debo ( what I call her) was standing next to her car with her phone in one hand and her keys spinning in the other.
"K, I'm ready to go." I said as I grabbed my purse. Trin came running out a few seconds later and we all hopped into my cousin's car, and drove out of the parking lot. We were headed to pick up my other cousin (debu's 9 year old sister) Bettye from a family friend of theirs who has a kid Bettye's age also named Ruhama. They have a lot of similar names in the family like Debu's best friends name is Arsiema and her other cousin is also named Arsiema. Let me get one fact straight, Debu and I aren't really cousin's we just call each other that, but she is my godsister so technically she's my sis  by law family. We finally reached the house and Debu went in to pick up Bettye. About 5 minutes of arguing ,screaming,and yelling Debo and Betty came out while Betty was yelling and whining ( especially whining ) "but I don't wanna leave". Then Debo said "good for u now get in the car". Which I'd her usual answer for these kind of whining.  I opened my side of the car ( of course as always it was shotgun ). Then yelled " both of u shut up my parents r waiting for me back home and don't forget I have dance practice . Oh yeah silly me I forgot to mention that I go to dance class the dance studio is right behind the school so it was conviniet for us to walk after school when we had weekday classes. I was the leader for  the class I would help them with moves when they needed more help sometimes. Trin was the vice  captain ( I know I know I didn't saw the term right ..... Sue me ). And Debu well she's Debu so she needed a dancing tutor . it makes me laugh every time I ask her what new moves she learned in class. But then she just pouts and calls. Me a meanie the I call her a baby and list goes on and on until trim tells us to shut up. Well what can I say she is my sister after all "winks". Anyway back to  my current situation where I was telling at my two godsisters to get there butts back into the car which they did. Both pouting  by the way then Debu got in the car and started driving to my house. I yelled out while running "THANKS ILL BE BACK IN 5 JUST LET ME GET CHANGED ". I quickly said hi to my mom and my dad and my twin brother ( that Trin likes ) then ran upstairs and changed my clothes I wore something comfy like some joggers and a lace at the top tank top and then I threw on a comfy sweater like jacket. Once we got to the studio I ran straight to the middle and taught my lessons everyone seemed to catch on fast . After that tiring class I went to sleep .. Jk my life is way more tiring than that. I went home and since it was late the girls stayed over and my parents left a note saying : hey darling just wanted to let u know me and ur father went out on a date and ur brother went to his friends house and they left quite a mess in the kitchen can u clean it up please. Oh PS I left u 20 for pizza for dinner
                                 -  Love u ,mom     "ugh well off we go to clean u guys get started I'll order pizza first".  Once we ordered our pizza we cleaned up and went to sleep.

Hey lovelies I hope u liked the book well my cousin wrote the first part then I wrote the other half

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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