-.-Wedding Day-.-

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Dean was nervous, to say the least. It felt like an eternity waiting up the aisle, waiting for you. Every few minutes or so, he would fidget and wipe his sweaty palms on the side of his pants. Time seemed to moving slower, but once you got down the aisle and slipped your hands into his, his worries melted away.

"Dude," Sam smirked. Dean glanced over at his best man. "Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. I'm getting married, Sam. Married!"

Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes. At that moment, the music started playing and both brothers looked down the aisle. You were walking with your father, each step in time of the music.

"Oh, wait, Dean-" Sam whispered quickly, moving closer to his brother to fix the flower on his suit. Dean smiled, glancing up at his brother thankfully for a moment.

Once Sam was finished, he clapped Dean on the back, muttering a quick, 'good luck,' and stepped back to his spot.

Once Sam was finished, he clapped Dean on the back, muttering a quick, 'good luck,' and stepped back to his spot

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On your wedding day, Sam found himself not able to stop smiling. He was nervous, to say the least, but excited. This was the day he had been waiting for, after all he had been through in the hunter's life, it had arrived. He knew you would say, 'I do,' and you did.

"It's okay to be nervous," Dean said.

"I am nervous," Sam responded, still smiling. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, for one thing, you're smiling like a lunatic."

"-And I'm getting married! Think about it, Dean. Marriage! How many hunters can say they settled down with their perfect match?"

Dean sighed, shrugging again.

"Maybe you should think of finding someone who shares the same life we do. Cas, perhaps?"

Dean coughed, "Woah, slow down, there. Let's not get ahead of yourself. You're getting married. Focus on that not my- love life."


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While Cas was getting ready, he couldn't help but text you. He couldn't help but send you sweet nothings and emoticons just to pass the time.

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