Part 4 The Job

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*A few days later. "HEY LANA" Janas yelled to me from downstairs."WHAT JANAS" I yelled,"COME DOWN HERE I GOT US OUR FIRST JOB" he yelled. I walked downstairs to find him carrying a weapon and a datapad and handed me the weapon looks like a sniper I could tell this looks like a dangerous mission."we need to go track down this ex-New Republic Senator brining him to the empire dead or alive I hate the empire and all but money is money and also they want him more dead than alive." Janas said."well I guess so but does it pay good" I said "What do you think sweet cheeks of course it pays good 100k we split of course " he said "Of course we split it w-wait did you just call me sweet cheeks." I said "Oh I sure did sweet heart your fun to flirt with". He said "OK now seriously whats all the details about the job." I said "Well this guy Senator Ivan I think is putting tons of propaganda about to over throw the empire and stuff and he has secret guards near him at all times so it's gonna be difficult wait do you know how to quietly kill somebody like slitting throats." He said "Well yea I know how to never did it to someone before" I said."Well here's your chance to prove you can sweetie" he said. "Well what are we waiting for let's go" I said "Hold it honey we're going to Naboo are you sure you want to go back there" he said "Yes I'm fine let's go" I said. As we go into the ship I suddenly felt a strange feeling I'm not sure what it is yet but I guess I will find out.


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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