Goldilocks Gore

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Goldilocks was just a young girl when she went missing...

    She was at the ripe age of six, when her parents had been killed by the nuisance bears that wandered into the village. Now Goldilocks was 12, and living with her Aunt Florence. Goldilocks had blond, curly hair and beautiful, blue eyes. But Goldilocks was quite a defiant little girl and she absolutely hated Aunt Florence. On this cloudy, September morning, Goldilocks had decided to run away from home. She headed into the forest so Aunt Florence wouldn't be able to find her. She started walking down the paths in the forest so she could hopefully find a nice tree to sleep under, but she found something much better...

    As Goldilocks walked down a trail in the woods, she noticed a house in the distance. She knew that she should stay on the trail, but her curiosity got the best of her. As she approached the home, she noticed a pile of bones near the side of the house by a window. Goldilocks just ignored the bones and walked up to the door and opened it.

    Goldilocks looked inside the house before stepping through the door. She didn't see anyone inside the house, but she did see three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks stared at the porridge hesitantly, but she was an awfully plump girl who loved to eat, so she decided to take a spoonful.

    Goldilocks screamed as she spit out the porridge. The first spoonful she put in her mouth was dreadfully hot. Her tongue began to burn and blood poured out of her mouth. "This porridge is too hot!" Goldilocks said to herself, with tears pouring out of her eyes. She tried another spoonful of the second bowl of porridge and the cooling sensation on her tongue felt wonderful until she felt pain in her tongue. Goldilocks could feel her tongue begin to swell up and the taste of blood in her mouth was still there. She spat out the cold lumpy porridge onto the floor. "This one is too cold!" Screamed Goldilocks. She tried the third bowl of porridge and it was just right so she ate it all up.

    Goldilocks walked into the living room of the house and she saw three chairs. She sat in the first chair and said that it was too big. She sat in the second chair but it was also too big. She sat in the third chair and let her self relax. "This one is juuuuuust right," she said. She sat there for a couple of minutes until she heard a snap. Goldilocks fell through the chair and onto the floor. Pieces of wood were stuck in her left butt cheek. She grabbed her bottom and screamed out in pain. She ran upstairs into a big bedroom and took off her tights and her dress. She stared at her bloody bottom in the bedroom mirror. She tried to stop the bleeding by pressing blankets up against her butt cheek, but it was was barely helping to stop the blood. Goldilocks began to get very lightheaded, because she had lost so much blood. She looked around the bedroom and found three beds.

    She decided to lay down on the first bed, but she did not notice the iron nails sticking out of the mattress. Goldilocks screeched. She instantly jumped of the bed. Blood was pouring out of her more rapidly now. Her vision started getting black around the edges. "This ones to hard!" She screamed while tears poured out of her eyes. She sat on the bed next to it, but just like the chair, her weight was too much for it. The bed snapped in half and she fell on the floor with a thump. She struggled to get back up to her feet. As she lied on the ground, she said, "This bed was too small." After 2 minutes, Goldilocks had managed to get back on her feet. She felt all the blood rush out of her head and her face became cold. She collapsed into the next bed.

    At the time Goldilocks had "fallen asleep", A family of 3 bears had arrived at their house. When they saw that the door was left open, they ran as fast as they could into the house to make sure their house had not been broken into.

"Mommy! Daddy! My porridge has been eaten and my chair is broken and covered in ketchup!" Screamed the baby bear. The two adult bears went over to the living room and saw the horrifying scene. It was not ketchup. Their mouths hung open. The adult male and female bear ran upstairs and told their child to stay downstairs. When they went into the bedroom, they saw a chubby, little blonde girl lying limp on their bed. The male an female looked at each other and licked their lips. They began pacing around the bed, preparing to strike. Goldilocks heard the footsteps around the bed and her eyes opened to see who it was. The male bear, noticing her eyes open, pounced on her and bit her side. Goldilocks screamed, but after 10 seconds, her scream stopped. The mother bear picked up Goldilocks in her mouth and headed downstairs. She dropped the limp girl on the dining room table. She stared at her young bear and smiled. "Dinner's ready," said Momma Bear.
    "Goldi! Goldi!" Said a voice deep inside the woods. The bears heard a knock on the door. The bears ignored it. The woman busted through the door anyway. "Hello! Anyone here? My name is Florence and I'm missing my niece. Have you seen h-" Three big, brown bears stood near the doorway. The woman ran. As the three ferocious bears were chasing the woman around the house, she couldn't help but notice a pile of bones outside the window, and 3 gorgeous locks of curly blonde hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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