Vamp 1

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Many years ago, vampires were known to be monsters whom only crave for human blood. However, those who pities for human goes for animal blood. Today, we're known to be extinct. That's because humans can never identify a vampire without actually seeing our sharp fangs or vicious golden eyes. How have we actually laid low for now? Our powers. Vampires now contain magic to erase a mind after they have finished with their "meal".

Vampires usually mate with one another. However, a vampire and a human together is known to be rare. But dangerous. That's how it was with Gemma and Sebastian. With Gemma, a vampire, and Sebastian, a human, just brings up bad news. Their love was torn by Gemma's vampire family. No one supported their love. No one supported their marriage. Not even their baby girl. Then one day, Gemma's family felt the need to kill the baby fearing for their lives. An offspring of a human and a vampire was no joke. However, Gemma sacrificed her life for her own baby leaving a note for when the beautiful baby turns eighteen.

The day she becomes eighteen is the day she becomes the most dangerous vampire in the world...

Beep beep beep beep beep be-


Old but still has the energy of a teen.

"IF YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH ME, CANADA WON'T EITHER SO DON'T EVEN TRY, POPS," I yelled back despite my laziness.

Mornings are never for me. But then again, is it for anyone?

However, I got up and picked up the pillows I kicked off last night. It was just too hot that I was in a rage. I turned off my alarm and scratched my stomach, yawning.

I laid back down and closed my eyes, wanting to sleep in for a few minutes. 

The door opened and came in Mason, a vampire like me. He's my childhood best friend.

"Gem, it's 7:25. Either change or I'll change for you," he said closing the door and went to the bed.

"I'll rather sleep," I yawned again.

"And drop your GPA? Ha right,"

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom and saw my hair.

My hair is literally a lion's mane.

It's all poof out and ugh.

Apparently from my dad, my mom had the same hair as mine. He used to tell me every morning how he'll tease her about her hair and she'll tease him back with no kisses or hugs.

Mom must have been amazing even now. Wherever she is now, I hope she's safe.

My hair is naturally curly but I hate it curly so I use my amazing straightener to fix all of the bleh.

Like, I am one to love my natural features. But curly hair is just a pain in the ass to handle. Some days it wants to look in point then other days it just seems like there's no effort.

I dyed my hair bright red at the bottom and kept my light brown at the top. Once I finish straightening my hair, it'll be down to my waist.

That's why I love straightening it. I made sure to put heat protection to keep my hair healthy.

Fun fact : The only people who've ever seen my curly hair is my parents, Mason's parents and him.

When I finally finished straightening my hair, I went to grab some clothes to change into.

I have a pretty much average body. I'm not chubby nor am I skinny. But the one thing that always get me made fun of is my butt.

I have a huge butt and it seems to be funny to everyone but whatever. It's just a butt, huge or flat either way, it'll still be a butt.

So I decided on leggings and a random t-shirt with my old converse.

The leggings were well fitted and the t shirt was from a thrift store that was on sale for $3.

Mason had a pokerface on.


"Turn around,"



"Because you'll be playing with my butt,"

He rolled his eyes then I went to changed after I laughed.

Getting out of the bathroom, he asked if I was ready.


I grabbed my backpack and sports bag which is packed with my volleyball, uniform, dress and heels.

Tonight is dinner with councils so I have to dress formal. I hope Mason remembers.

Yes, I play volleyball, I'm not good at it but I still play it. Because why not?

Assuming Mason has my phone because I can't find it, I headed out with an apple and a kiss from my dad.

"I love you. Be safe,"

"I love you too, pops and you too! No outdoor jobs for you!" I warned him. Last time, he tried to mow the lawn. Let's just say, we survived but a cat didn't. Now our neighbor hates us and we had to buy a cat. Even though I hate cats, I felt bad for Mister Giggy.

Throwing my stuff in the trunk of Mason's car, I quickly head to the back seat and laid down. With my height, I get the privilege of making this my bed. I'm 4'7. I know. Short. Call me all the names, but I don't care. Because I'm an offspring of a human and a vampire, I'm supposed to be on medication but skipped it today which is bad.

Well anyways, a normal vampire can deal with their thrist of blood, but we can't. When we want it, we get it, in one second. And nothing can ever stop us. One of the medication is for that purpose. To control my thirst. The other important one is my height. Growth spurt if you'll call it. To us, vampires, my height is not normal. Usually we're taller, but well yeah you get the idea. Not taking the pills for even one day is dangerous already.

And I feel like I'll regret not home schooling. Why did I listen to Mason to go to an public school?

We finally arrive and I got out the car and threw away the apple core. Mason grabbed his stuff which was only a backpack while I grabbed my backpack and sports bag. Looking up to the school with people running in and out, I can already smell blood. Delicious...sweet...blood...

And now, in to our day in the vampire world. (-;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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