Chapter 4- less money more problems

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We Went to the mall, we watched a Movie together first it was amazing! Then we went shopping, I knew we were pretty low on money so I told my mom i didn't want to go shopping, but she pulled me into a store. I looked around and it was really short shorts and crop tops everywhere. "Mom I Can't  wear these!, I dont want to look like trash." She agreed and we went to my favorite store. I usually wear jeans every day even in summer but I was going to wear shorts tommorw. My mom picked out three outfits. We rushed to try them on the first one was a Lacy black shirt with black jeans. "Too goth!" We laughed and tried on the next one, the next one was a green shirt with yellow flowers and a pair of yellow shorts. "Mom I'm sorry this looks to little girlish" the last one mom liked the best, it was a white tank top with a red plaid cover and light denim shorts " OMG I LOVE THIS" we both jumped in the air and ran to the cash register. After the lady rung up everything the total was $359.00  mom scanned her credit card and it gave a loud beep, she tried again and again "sorry but your credit card balance is too low." Then I hear a soft voice behind us " I will pay for them."

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