Chapter 3 ★ Draco

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  • Dedicated to Amber and Yasmin

Dedicated to my collaborators on this project. Honestly I don't know how people can write novels. This isn't even a long chapter, and it still took me hours. Oh, also: this is very plotless because I have to idea what our actual plot is.


Chapter 3~ Draco

I hear a loud thump followed by a some exclamations in the distance.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Us purebloods should not be in the dungeons," Pansy says, clutching my arm as we head back into our common room after the prefects' meeting. My journey here is usually uneventful and not filled with a whining leech, but alas, sometimes life just doesn't go the way you like it.  "There are some dangerous things down here. It's so dark. But you'll protect me if I something tries to harm me, won't you Draco?" She simpers at me. Ugh, I hate the way she says my name. Draaaaaaaco. I ignore her, looking around the area.

At first glance the space is the same as always, dark and cold, illuminating a green glow from the lake waters and lamps attached to walls carved with the intention of looking as regal as possible. The furniture, all polished wood and leather, looks as it always does, uninviting and not homely, contrary to popular belief that common rooms are your part of your home away from home here at Hogwarts. But of course, to be the house that rules above all means to look the part as well. Heirlooms and tapestries complete the place.

Then I notice Crabbe and Goyle standing on a couch embracing each other, shaking and trembling. "Draco! Where were you? Nevermind, did you see something slither in on the ground?!" 

"Slytherin on the ground? I thought we were under a lake?" Goyle asks, looking around wildly. 

"It faded into view."

"Someone wants an interview?"

"Goyle hit his head and is being a stupid deaf bat right now." Crabbe explains. "We saw a rat, or something crawling across the floor and-"

"I felt it going up my robes! I did!"

"Really! I did not see you jumping around like a stupid little girl."

"Crabbe! Goyle. You two are being so ridiculous right now. Like almost as ridiculous as Weasley is all the time. Your parents would be disgusted by the state of you both right now." I interject. Speaking of Weasley, how did he even manage to get chosen as a prefect? That blood traitor is pathetic. And so is Potter. Ha. The "Chosen One" couldn't even get chosen as a prefect.

I feel a tug on my arm. Bloody hell. What is she still doing here? "What do you want, Parkinson?" 

"Uh...I'm going now." She says awkwardly, staring at Crabbe and Goyle before pecking me on the cheek. "See you later Draco." That was not enjoyable. 

"My parents aren't disgusted in me. They think I can be a part of the Dark Lord's army soon." Crabbe says proudly. 

"I practically have my own spot in it already." I scoff. "And He already trusts-"

"Who already trusts who?" A pudgy woman says, walking into the room. She is wearing a startlingly bright pink confection of pink that stands out in the dim light of our common room, a bow perched upon her head that would look somewhat cute if this was a little girl, but this is a short old lady. Who looks scary, despite the stupid appearance with the fluffy pink cardigan (did she kill a cat to make that?) as well as her sickly sweet voice. Professor Dolores Umbridge, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, sent by the Ministry of Magic. 

How did she get into the Slytherin common room exactly?

"Nobody." I say with a smile reserved for feigning innocence with teachers. "Nice to meet you, Professor. I'm Draco Malfoy. What brings you around here?"

"Malfoy. Son of Lucius and Narcissa? You look so much like them!" She exclaims, pinching my cheeks. "I suppose you are an avid supporter of the Ministry, as your parents are?"

"Of course. I would do anything for them."

"Well then, Draco. I like to think you and I will get along just fine." She lowers her voice. "Between you and I, I think Hogwarts could use some discipline. The students here are just running wild and hindering their learning!" That's one way to put it. "I have also heard that teachers here are not abiding by the laws of the Ministry in teaching magic to the students here. The students here are not receiving enough punishment for their misbehaviours! It's as if nobody here is dedicated to the Ministry!"

"Professor, I can assure you as a prefect of Slytherin that we are all for the Ministry here."

"And that's why I think you'll be the perfect candidate to be the leader of a select group of students dedicated to the Ministry of Magic to restore order among themselves and their peers."

"I would be delighted to be a part of that, Professor." Be even more prominent than a prefect and Potter and Weasley will have no match on me. I should perfect my glare. Granger's glare is always intimidating. I wonder if my glares are intimidating as hers. Weasley should know, I snigger. 

"Good to hear that. Well Draco, it was nice meeting you, but I must be off now. Ah, Slytherin is just as it was back in my days! Ta ta for now!" Cue a sickly sweet smile from my new ally in this damn school that worships flipping Harry Potter. What is so great about him, anyways? And Gryffindor? They get a tower, and we here in Slytherin get a spot in the dungeons. 

At least it isn't unbearably cosy like Hufflepuff's common room is. 

These leather couches can sometimes be very comfortable if you lay on them for long enough, though. Also, a moment ago Crabbe and Goyle were just on the couches. I wonder where they went. They must have disappeared while my sight was blocked by the sight of a giant pale toad, reeking of dead cat who was somehow part of Slytherin a long, long time ago. 

As Pansy would say, pink does not match green. Especially dark under-a-lake green.

Though Umbridge does look like she belongs in a murky swamp with other toads.


Lol do I capitalise the first letter of 'ministry' or no?

I was going to end this chapter with Snape telling Malfoy to gtfo to bed but I just ended up with hating on Umbridge because she is evil incarnate.

I have no idea if this chapter was good or bad so some feedback would be great! I would be immensely surprised if anybody actually read this whole thing, to be honest. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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