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There was a knock on the door and I groaned. I had just gotten comfortable on the couch, ready to mindlessly stalk Luke Gold on facebook. When I opened the door, I was surprised when Matthew, my brother's best friend and future alpha of my pack, standing on the porch. I suddenly became very aware of my short pajama shorts and tank top.

"Um, Hi." He looked at his shoes whilst rubbing the back of his neck.


"Can I come in?"

"Sure!" I stepped out of his way.

"Where's Jake?" 

"At Amber's house." I said as I walked towards the kitchen. My brother Jake was spending a little down time with his girlfriend. He set his duffel bags down on the floor and sat on the couch, next to my computer. I sat on the loveseat adjacent from him and asked, "So, why you here?"

He sighed, "Where's your mom? I need to ask her something."

I shrugged, my mom was always away, for business trips that last from 2 days to a month, and I just went along with it.

He scratched the back of his head guiltly, "Well, since you're obviously in charge, I was wondering if I could crash here for a while."

"Daddy issues?" I asked curiously.

"Yep." He said, irritated.

"Aw, that sucks." I patted his knee, not knowing what to say.

"It's ok. I applied for Harvard." He said quietly.

I gasped, "You...You mean...You aren't going to train after you graduate?"

"Yeah. I just, it's not what want, you know? I don't just want to be strong, I want to be smart."

Most alphas-to-be start training to be alphas when they graduate from high school, so they can take over from their predecessors when they're 21. It was well known in the pack that Alpha Riding and Matt had been fighting about his future.

"Matt? What are you doing here?" My brother's voice came from the doorway.

"I'll explain later," I muttered, "Matt, you can have the guest room, I guess."

"Thanks Em. You're the best." He picked up his bags and walked towards his new room.

After I explained Matt's situation to Jake, he told me he was gonna stay over at Amber's house. I was gonna be here alone with Matt. Great. I sighed after he left and turned on the TV to MTV, hoping he was on. I then proceeded to assume stalking position until Matt came out of his room in his PJs.

"Hey whats for dinner?"

I shrugged and got up, "I'll go see what we have."

"Why don't we just order in?" he said lazily.

"It's okay, I don't mind cooking."

"Alright, whatever." He flipped through the channels and settled on Fox so he could watch The Simpsons. I went through our pantry and found a box of taco spices and some taco shells. MEXICAN FEAST IT WAS!

"Is it ready yet?" he whined, coming in an hour later.

"10 minutes, pinky promise."

"Can I help?"

"No, you might eat everything."

"Ha-ha. Seriously."

"You could go to the pantry and grab some salt for me."

"Ok." He came back, handed me the salt and watched as I mixed it in with butter and pepper. When the timer went off, I had managed to put the mashed potatoes into a bowl. I put on oven mitts and pulled out the chicken. He practically drooled when I plopped a plate in front of him. He inhaled the food, while I ate slowly, using a French technique of losing weight. Yes, it actually works, cause it tricks your tummy into thinking that you're full. He went back in for seconds and thirds, not leaving any more for me.

Matt's P.O.V

Jesus Christ, this girl could cook. Ten times better than McDonalds. When I patted my stomach, satisfied, she hadn't even finished her first serving. Was me being here causing her to eat slower?

"Why you eating so slow?"

"Losing weight, tricks my stomach into thinking I'm full."

Losing weight? She was so beautiful already. I'll admit right now that I may have a little school boy crush, but it was hard not to. She is hot, like I said before, funny, she was amazing at cooking and she actually watches soccer. But I could never ask her out, because of two things. One, her brother would kill me. And two, she would say no. She just thinks I'm a man-whore or something. Besides, she liked Luke Gold. Stupid tool. He was ten times the man-whore I am.

"So, any progress with Gold?"

"No," She looked down at her plate, "He doesn't look at me that way, just as Jake's twin sister."

Damn, stupid idiot. She was the best thing a guy could ask for, "You aren't fat, you know?"

She looked at me bewildered and shocked.

"What? It's true." I drank my water, got up and went to go wash my dishes.

"I can do that." She said quietly, walking up behind me.

"It's 'kay. I'll wash tonight."

"Ok..." She sat back on the countertop, "Why are you being so nice?"

"You want me to be mean?"

"No. Just wondering."

When I didn't say anything, she said, "Thanks Matt. I'm gonna go watch TV 'kay?"

"You don't have to ask permission...." I smirked.

"I know, just wanted you to know, just in case you don't know how to wash a plate." She winked and walked out to the living room.

I sighed. This girl was getting me to wash dishes. I never wash my dishes. I finally finished and found her asleep on the couch, remote in hand, as Disater Date ran on the TV. Jeez, she really loves MTV. I picked her up and she snuggled into my chest. When her arms wrapped around my neck, she didn't let go. I eventually gave up, and fell asleep, with her in my arms.


Hey guys! Picture of Emma on the Side. I post one of Matt next chapter :)

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