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I've been tagged by WilliamxHerondale  and lorenaherondale- to do this tag.
I didn't know if it was for me or my Oc so I answered it myself.

1. What is your favorite Disney Movie/TV show?

1. If I had to pick a Disney movie I suppose I would pick Sleeping Beauty.

2. If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?

2.I currently have a cat named Cookie. If I had to have another pet I would have another cat or perhaps a panda...

3. Favorite band/song artist?

3. Avenged Sevenfold, Bring Me The Horizon or Bullet For My Valentine

4. Describe yourself in one sentence.

4. I'm a clumsy chick who's obsessed with the color black.

5. What is one quality you like about yourself?

5. ............. I'm protective? I think that counts....

6. Favorite childhood memory?

6.  Getting icecream or the time I went to camp.

7. If you could live in any era what would it be?

7. I prefer to live in the current era.

8. What would your ideal world look like?

8. Cheese whenever I want it and endless books........
I would also like there to be no hate....

9. Favorite Tv Show?

9. Do you expect me to pick one?
..... Yeah not happening.
I like American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Scream Queens, Spongebob Squarepants, Criminal Minds, Storage Wars... Stuff like that.

I like horror over anything else.

10. If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?

10. I can only pick one thing?... Uh I guess I would change my awkwardness around other people.

11. If you could have a different name what would it be?

11. I would never change my name. It's part of who I am.

So I guess I have to tag people now?

Okay done.

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