Find Me

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"Terezi? Are you crying?" Nepeta asked, creeping cautiously towards the troll girl. Her dragon's hood was pulled over her head as Terezi huddled in the corner, away from the light. "Oh, Tez... is it Karkat again? You know if he hurt you, I'll kill him!"

The tealblood looked up at Nepeta, hood falling away to reveal red eyes that were milky with tears. "Don't hurt him!" Terezi cried. "It's not his fault I'm such a loser."

"That's not true and you know it." Nepeta whispered, sitting down next to her friend. "You're the best troll in this stupid place."

"Not really." Terezi sniffed. "Karkat obviously doesn't think that. I could've been happy with him, but we had to go and mess it all up. Now everything is ruined."

"It's only ruined if you think Karkat is your only option." Murmured the cat-girl, turning away. "I thought that for awhile, and I nearly gave up when I saw you and Karkat were together. But then- something awesome happened."

"Oh yeah? What?"

"I realized Karkat wasn't the only person I cared about. There was someone else, someone even better than him, who I wanted to be with. Not as a kismesis or a moirail or anything- as a matesprit. As someone to love."

Terezi looked at Nepeta with a grim smile on her black lips. "They must be pretty great, if they're both better than Karkat and deserve your love."

"They are. She is."


"Tez." Nepeta said, putting her hands on her friend's shoulders and staring into her blind eyes. "You're worth so much more than this. You don't need a guy to complete you. You don't need anyone to complete you, because you're perfect and beautiful the way you are."

"Woah..." Terezi pulled away from Nepeta the slightest bit, a little surprised at this sudden torrent of emotion. It was so unlike her friend to be so... kind. It was unlike any troll. "What are you saying, Nepeta?"

"I- I don't know." The other girl whispered, suddenly unsure of herself. "I don't know what I'm asking for, Terezi. I've never been in a flushed relationship, I've never even been kissed, and even though I... I really like you... I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything, Nep." Terezi said softly. "You've said enough."

Nepeta's yellow eyes went wide, her face contorted with fear. "Are... are you not interested? If so, I'm sorry- we can still be friends, I promise- I didn't mean to-"

Terezi leaned in and kissed Nepeta once on the forehead. "I'm interested. What you said was the sweetest thing I've ever heard from anyone- even kinder than all the things Karkat has told me."

"So... you're willing to be my matesprit?" Nepeta asked shyly. 

"I'd love to be, Nepeta."

"What about Karkat?"

Terezi shrugged. "This doesn't mean I'm going to stop caring about him- but what you said made me realize something."


"The person I really should've been pining over was right in front of me all along."

Nepeta smirked and nudged Terezi gently in the ribs. "You've been watching too many cheesy romcoms. Why not enjoy a gory horror movie with me instead?"

Terezi grinned- the first smile Nepeta had seen since she entered the room. "Okay."

They'd walked in miserable- but the pair of them left the room happier than ever.

And Karkat?

Forget him!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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