I Promise...

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"Holy Rome! Are you okay?", I asked, walking over to him. He was sitting there in the field not doing anything, which wasn't like him. He looked up at me and it looked like he had been crying. I sat down beside him. "What's wrong?", I asked him. 

He sighed and said, "I have to go off to war soon, I'm fighting against France." I looked down. This boy that I had developed feelings for was going off to war with my big brother. "You don't have to go. You could just stay here at Mr. Austria's house.", I told him. Holy Rome shook his head and said, "I have to go, or he'll kill me." 

"Big Brother France probably won't kill you if you don't fight him.", I said. He looked at me and said, "Hey, Italy. I have to go fight, but I'll come back." I nodded.

~!#$% timeskip to when Holy Rome has to leave %$#!~

I watched as soldiers marched away from Mr. Austria's house. I was looking for Holy Rome so that I could say goodbye. I also needed him to know how I felt towards him. I almost missed Holy Rome as he passed by, but I saw him at the last second. "Holy Rome!!", I yelled. He turned around and saw me. He walked over to where I was. "Yes, Italy?", he asked.

I tried to think of something to give him so he would remember me, then I remembered I had a broom in my hands. I held it out to him. "I want you to take this, to remember me." He looked a little confused, but he took the broom. He looked at the broom for a minute before looking back up at me. "What do people in your country give each other before they leave?", he asked. I thought for a second before saying, "A kiss, I think."

He nodded before leaning in and kissing me. When he pulled away, he was blushing a lot. "I have to go now, but I'll be back. I promise", he said, then he walked away to leave with his soldiers. 

~&%$! timeskip til when Holy Rome was supposed to be back !$%&~

I cried and cried, burying my face into my pillow. Ms. Hungary sat on the edge of my bed and tried to comfort me, but nothing could make me feel better. I loved Holy Rome and he made a promise to come back and he never did. She soon gave up and left my room saying something about my brother. 

Eventually someone else came into my room, I didn't check to see who it was until they yelled something in my native language. I looked up, tears still running down my face. The boy in my room looked like me and Grandpa Rome. "Ciao, I'm Romano. I'm your fratello.", he said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I was too upset about Holy Rome to say anything back to him, so I just sat there, wiping tears off of my face. I kept wiping my tears away, but I was still crying so it didn't help. "What's wrong?", Romano asked. "H-Holy R-Rome l-left f-f-for war. H-he p-promised h-he'd c-c-come b-back, b-but he d-didn't.", I said. He sighed and hugged me. "Mi dispiace.", he said.

I Promise. (Chibitalia x Holy Roman Empire)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon