Undercover nerd or spy? 7

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The next morning I woke up with a killer hangover and the worst part is I have know idea what I did last night.

I remember flashes at the club with Sam but I must have drank a lot more than I remember.

I definitely won't be drinking again for a while...

*A day later*

I'm driving home right now and it's taking so long. I've only been it the car for a half hour but it seems like I've been in here for about 200 hours. I don't know how cab drivers don't explode of frustration. I already feel like I'm gonna explode of frustration and I've only been in the car for 30 minutes, imagine driving all day.

I had really fun with uncle Jerry and Sam. I'm most likely gonna fly home, because I'm not ever getting in a car again especially for a long drive since now I know it drives me nuts, crazy, bored, and lots more!

*four hours later*

I have been home for a half hour now and I'm just doing the homework due on Monday I have 2 essays a math sheet and a packet for Spanish Class.

I just finished my essay and now I'm going to sleep since its like midnight, and I have school tomorrow.

At school on Monday Brendan picked me up in his BMW and as soon as I got in he gave me a quick kiss on the lips and I couldn't help but melt at his touch. Sadly though it was over pretty quick.

We both got out of the car together and there were whispers all over school since the nerd is with one of the most popular boys in school. He walked around the car to my side and put his arm around me and we both walked into school. He dropped me off at my locker and then went to his locker.

School went by fast and I luckily I don't have any homework because of some holiday. I walked down the corridor to the main entrance and then to Brendan's car.

We drove home in mostly silence but it wasn't an awkward silence, with him it was a comfortable silence.

Once we got to my house we said our good byes and he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and then he left.

It was the middle of the night and I couldn't fall asleep I keep having nightmares of the night, the night my parents died.


I was peacefully sleeping in my bed until I heard a big band and I tiptoed down stairs. I couldn't believe what I saw, my mother and father were tied up and my dad was already shot and my mom had a gun to her head and she was begging him not to do it but he didn't listen, he even had a smile on his face.

I quickly hid behind the wall, enough so they can't see me but I can see them. There was another bang and then I saw my mothers body stop stop moving stop breathing stop crying, her eyes rolled back into her head. I dropped on to the ground and cried for so long the last thing I remembered was a few people coming in the house with guns and they killed my parents murder and took me to the O.S.S.

It turned out my parents had been agents for my uncle too. That day I decided I want to be an agent too but I want too be the best agent ever and kill all the bad guys, like my parents murderer.

I started training a week later and became the best five year old agent. A few years later when I was seven I meet Sam and she wanted the Same thing as me and her parents were spy's too. A few more years later at 14 Alex came his uncle was a spy so that's how he knew about the agency but his parents and sister are still alive. Me, Alex, and Sam became the best team and together we were Invincible, and still are.

(End of flashback)


****picture of ash and sam***

Hey! I just wanted to say I'm always up for reading a new book so if anyone read or wrote a good book comment the name below and I'll read it!

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