chapter twelve

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The lecture hall was huge, but not as huge as the dining hall. Maybe a third of its size.

There were stacked rows of chairs with tiny little desks attached to them, and about half of them were full with people with various colored jackets and ties on. A few people stared as we walked in, and I found the rest of our sect sitting practically right in the front. Fantastic.

We walked down the marble steps to meet them down there, and I sat beside Erin on the end of the row as I took in the view of the room.

It was gorgeous, obviously. The walls were a rich mahogany color, decorated with portraits of random people and candle-lamps, and the entire back wall of the room seemed to be a bookshelf.

At the front was a stage with a dark, wooden podium with random assorted items on it. A water bottle, what looked like a bag of marbles, a stack of copy paper, and a Bunsen burner. And who knew what was inside the podium.

The ceiling was probably one of the best parts. It was an intricate stained glass window, which depicted what seemed to be the school with beautiful lights coming from it, and the skyline of St. Louis in beautiful colors and extreme detail. It shrouded the room in a thousand colors.

"Whoa," I breathed.

"I know, right? The ceiling is amazing, and the bookshelf reaches all the way up there! I wonder what the stuff on the podium will be used for," Erin babbled excitedly. I honestly couldn't care less. Although I was thinking the exact same thing.

The room filled up more and more as more elevators opened and kids filed in, all laughing with eachother and taking their seats. I looked at our awkward sect, not trusting a single one of them. Except maybe Nick. He seemed okay.

No, I can't trust any of these people. Not even Nick. I met them yesterday, how am I supposed to trust them at all?! I sighed and looked around. Nick was seated next to Marc and Ken, and Nick seemed to be very pointedly trying not to stare at either of them. He glanced back at me, looking sort of helpless. I shrugged at him as he slumped back against his seat.

He was totally crushing on Marc. Maybe even Ken. Poor guy. I'd talk to him about it later.

"Is that her?" Erin whispered, pointing to where a woman just entered. The room went silent as she walked up to the podium, and the people that had been standing and lingering around immediately sped-walked to an empty seat and got out a notebook.

The woman- presumably Ms. Kerri- was incredibly tall. I'm talking 6'2 tall, with long, gray hair and a long sleeve, flowey dark gray button up shirt with loose sleeves that sort of swooshed around her wrists, and black pants that flared out. She had calculating eyes, but smiled a warm smile at us all as she took her spot behind the podium.

All of the lamps on the walls darkened on their own, but the light from the ceiling still permitted us to see. A bright light from above seemed to appear above her, casting her in a white light that drew everybody's attention.

I pulled out my notebook as she cleared her throat and pulled out her own notes. I sat down my notebook on the tiny desk and pulled out a pencil. I titled the notes Different Energy Types.

"Everybody, please listen. I know this is your first official day back from the break, and I welcome you. I truly hope your first class was good. Now, as you all know, this is a lecture class discussing the different energy types, and how they apply to us. Not only will this class be preparing you for your UEML Exam, but also for real life once you move on from the University, whenever that may be."

She turned around and waved her hand a little in front of her, and in dazzling light the words Different Energy Types appeared above her.

"Do not interrupt me as I teach- if you have any questions simply send them to me via Mailbox at a later time, or ask one of your peers. After class I need to see the Elite Sect for a moment, so just stay where you are when I finish. Now, onto the actual lecture."

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