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You might think that a vacation would provide a break from embarrassing incidents.After all ,you're usually far from home in a place where no one knows your name . Sometimes , however , a sun-burn isn't the only thing that turns you red during a vacation !


One year I went with my family to the Bahamas for spring break .On our last day , I really wanted to buy a souvenir T-shirt . We had very little time until we had to catch our plane , so I just grabbed the first one I saw —what looked like a cute tee with a map of the islands—but I didn't look at it very carefully . Once I got home , I tried on my shirt for my parents and cousins . To my surprise , everyone started cracking up ! I had no idea why until I took a closer look at my shirt . Underneath the island map , the shirt read : "I WENT TO THE BAHAMAS AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT !" Ugh ! My cousins still make fun of it , but I  don't take it seriously I simply laugh with them !!

- Emma


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