Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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The TV is switched on. Pokémon Gengar versus Nidorino.

Gengar: Gengarrr!!!

TV Host: And Gengar used Hypnosis! Nidorino fell fast asleep.

(In the real world)

Greg: Yes!

That is Greg, a boy from Titano town, aged 12. The professor of that town, Prof. Rambo, gives Pokémon Trainer license to kids who are 12 and above. Tomorrow Greg is gonna get that license.

Mom (shouting from downstairs): GREG! Go to bed, it's 11 pm! You should be in bed by now. Tomorrow is you'r big day.

Greg (switching off the TV): Okay!

Greg gets ready for bed, then he lies on his bed and sleeps.

Greg: Zzzzzzzz.....

The next day, Greg goes to the professor's lab.

Greg: Prof. Rambo! Where is my Pokémon?

Prof. Rambo (looking busy, talking to his grandson, Steve Rambo.): Good luck, Steve!

Steve turns to leave, he spots Greg at the corner.

Steve: Hey! Greg! You are late, I already got a Pokémon, and you din't! I got the best Pokémon! It's good to have a grandfather at the Pokémon buisness.

Greg: Which Pokémon did you get?

Steve: I got the water Pokémon Froakie. So anyway, you can never be the Pokémon Master, cause you cannot defeat a small Caterpie! Wait, how will you even battle it, you dont even have you'r first Pokémon! Ha!

Greg: ...

Steve: Smell ya later!

Steve leaves the lab.

Greg: I'll show him! Grrr...!

Prof. Rambo: Hey, you must be Greg. Greg, are you ready to get you'r first Pokémon?

Greg: Yes, professor!

Prof. Rambo: Then follow me.

Prof. Rambo leads Greg downstairs. There is a big box, it has three Pokéballs.

Prof. Rambo: Which Pokémon do you want?
Grass Pokémon, Turtwig or Fire Pokémon, Charmander or Water Pokemon, Froakie?

Greg: Hmm... I like all these Pokémon... But maybe I'll choose... umm... CHARMANDER the Fire Type!

Prof. Rambo: Charmander it is then! Wanna give it a nickname?

Greg: Nah, not interested.

Prof. Rambo: Here, take you'r Pokéballs and Pokédex. And here is you'r Trainer Card. (Gives 6 Pokéballs, a Pokédex, and a Trainer Card).

Greg: Thanks! (Takes them).

Prof. Rambo: Goodluck on you'r journey!

Turn the page for chapter 2. If it's not published, then it will be soon.

Pokémon- Greg's Adventure: Segamo RegionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant