Surprise Surprise

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Next morning I wake up to see everyone standing all around my bed

Layla: good morning sis

Me:what is going on

Jay: we have a surprise for you

Me: wait what

Mikey: just get dressed

They are all staring at me

Me: can you go then.  (Screams) LAYLA WHY ARE MOST OF MY CLOTHES GONE !!!

Layla: (on the other side of the door ) you will see soon

Me: you have took all my favourite clothes

Layla: that's a good thing trust me

Me: ok I trust you

I walk down the stairs to see everyone waiting

Swift: are you ready

Me: ready for what

Raph: your surprise

Me: how can I be ready if I don't know what it is

Layla: (whispering to jay) should we tell her before we go so she can get stuff that she might want to take

Jay: ( whispers back) yeh that's a good idea

Layla: come upstairs with me and Jay

Everyone follows

Layla: no just me, Mac and Jay

Mikey: alright alright

In My's room

Me: so what is going on

Jay: we are going on tour...

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