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This song is nothing to do with this chapter but i like it😂

Leah's POV:

We were in a discussion about a new video we were all gonna film together tomorrow when I realised, "Hold up where is everyone?" I asked, there was only us in a huge cafeteria "what do you mean, we are here, we are the only ones in camp..." Ethan replied. "No way! this is so cool" I said smiling.

"So what shall we do today??" Grayson said buying into his apple, Nate jumped up "let's go play soccer or something?" He winked at me and I smiled big then Cameron then piped up "No fair! Leah's-" he was then interrupted by an elbow in the stomach from eve.

We got to a big field with a soccer ball and separated into two teams

Team 1:

Team 2:
Jack J

"Our teams the best isn't it?" Grayson said comparing teams Nate and Cameron laughed "you'll see gray"

We started playing and I was already kicking butt, me and Eve are amazing at football. Grayson came towards me and attempted to tackle me and I just did a trick making him fall on the grass without having to touch him Me and Eve scored goal after goal after goal until everyone gave up.

We all went back to get showers and planned to meet up in the boys room after

Grayson's POV:

wow I wasn't expecting that from her and damn she must do squats because her butt is so boom!
Ethan has been acting real weird lately like he is acting quite nice?

Ethan's POV:

I think Eve is so beautiful, suddenly I'm just so happy I think I'm falling for her.

Eve's POV:

Ethan's hot, he won't stop making me blush every time he talks to me

Leah's POV:

We all meet in the boys room and its HUGE! Bigger than ours and ours is pretty big.

We decide to have a mini party and get drunk so we sent Cameron and Nate out to get the alcohol. Us girls go back to our room to change into party outfits.

Leah's outfit=

Leah's outfit=

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Eve's outfit=

Chloe's outfit =

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Chloe's outfit =

As always I got Eve to do my make up and we were on our way

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As always I got Eve to do my make up and we were on our way

As soon as we get there the boys mouths drop wide...

They bought so much alcohol ,
the music started and we all started drinking

In walked about five girls and 3-4 boys, I guess can invited them when he got the alcohol the girls were chewing gum and acting like a typical hoe.

Grayson had a slut on his lap and I felt so jealous oh god I need to drink
"CAMERONN BBY" I slur while walking up to Cameron, "Hey hottie" he replied trying not to laugh "watcha doing" I said smirking "nothing what about you"

Grayson's POV:

When I saw Leah my jaw dropped she looked amazing I was talking to a bunch of pretty girls and one of them was on my lap but all I could think about was Leah I kept looking at her in the corner of my eye

I heard her screaming and I ran to her as fast as I can "WHATS WRONG!" I asked her worried "THE WIFI WORKS!!!" phew "NO WAY!" I loved WiFi just as much as her I started talking to my fans through Snapchat "hey guys sorry I haven't been active, I'm at camp and its awesome, love you" I then saw Leah making a Snapchat so I decided to video bomb her and dance behind her while she makes it.

Leah is literally now twerking along with all the other girls she's pretty good too. Wait up? Ethan is no where to be found...I need to pee

Leah's POV:

I'm starting to feel pretty drunk and I'm towering but I then realise my twerking buddy is no where to be seen Eve where you at? Ooh I need to pee

Me and grayson open the door at the same time there is two people doing something I was not ready to see "go on Eve you horny lil shit" I smirked and walked away with Grayson laughing

Grayson just touched my bum the cheeky lil shit I turned around to see it wasn't Grayson it was Chris Miles ew wtf "who do your think you are" I sassed, he grabbed me by the bum and pulled me close,"who ever you want me to be baby" and started grinding on me, out of no where Chris went flying off me and on to the floor then I saw Grayson carrying on hitting him "Okay gray that's enough" he was really hurting chris "GRAYSON!!!" I pulled him off and sat on his crotch pinning him down.

Grayson's POV:

I just couldn't stop hitting him when I saw him doing that to her she pinned me down woah she's strong...
"Sorry Leah"
"Don't be, I found it pretty hot" she slurred locking fingers with me still sat on my crotch I moved her to the couch where we made out a little,(grinding, teasing and stuff) and then fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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