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Alright next up is Run. I'm doing this next because it connects with 'I Need U' . It also connects with The Prologue (this isn't a music video but rather a short film) and Young Forever. It's like a series so yes.

Before we jump in, from CONSTANT watching of this video, (it is my favourite and first BTS song) I am inferring that this is more of a dream world, created by Jin. That or something else that I will get to in the analysis, so without further ado, let's start this thing.


So we start with a black screen. The black doesn't fade away but a video comes into view. The song "Butterfly" (By BTS) briefly starts playing. We see a male start to lean back, V to be exact. He leans back and splashes into water, a beautiful reflection shows on the bottom of the screen.

We then switch scenes. The place is bright and we see an ice cube drop into a cup of coke. We see it is RapMon, who shuts the fridge door and rubs his hand on his jacket, getting off the liquid splashed on his hand when he dropped the ice cube. This kind of links to V's drop but that's a little bit of a stretch. He walks outside and looks up, lollipop/spoon of sugar in his mouth. He then takes it out and stirs it in his coke, drops it in and drinks. He walks, leaving the camera view and the screen fades black, showing their album logo.

Not much analysis to do here. No lyrics and not a message. The tint of light feels like morning and the Cole could be walking him up. He's going somewhere he needs a lot of energy, because who has Coke in the morning. (It could actually be Coffee but when BTS reacted to the video he exclaimed it was Coke, so let's stick with that)

The music starts and we see the sky, a flock of birds fly past he camera view and we see RapMon again. He's walking down a railway, and this place seems pretty familiar... That's right it's the same Train from I Need U. Not even finishing his Coke, RapMon drops the cup to the ground and the camera changes to show a front view of him walking, and then changes again. He walks up to the train and knocks on the door waiting for a response. Instead of waiting for someone to open, he opens the door himself. Now comes singing.

"You're my sun, one and only in this World" so, they're probably talking about a girl again. It's in present tense this time. After opening the door, we see black. This black then turns to a room, where Jimin welcomes RapMon in and J-hope pats his back. However, RapMon is no longer wearing a hat, but we see his dyed pink hair. This kind of gives us an idea or vibe of a different world.

The shots go like flash but we see Jin by the plant, he seems to be watching the other boys. Jimin walks forward, although leading happy RapMon, who then grabs Jin's shoulder. We go to a different place in which we see RapMon grab Suga off the sofa. We then see a reeeeaaaally quick shot of Jin holding a camera, recording something, maybe Jimin, who waves his hands through his hair. We all know that photos and videos are the best way of remembering something, so maybe, considering Jin is dead and is "watching" over the boys, he wants to record more memories for him to look back in.

The rest of the shots are partying moments, so let's kinda skip past these. However, in all of these, Jin is not seen, this suggests he's recording all this.

"Even if I'm drying out, I try harder to reach you" These lyrics suggest that the girl they are talking about is in reachable.

We see V falling under water, it's blue this time though, not black. We change scenes, and V pushes Jin up to a wall. V's hair now has green highlights and is wearing sunglasses. V and Jimin take off Jin's jacket, a white t-shirt underneath.

On the wall there are two pieces of writing. One, above Jimin's head says "Canvas High" this links to the paint they use in the video, as a canvas is what you paint on. Maybe that's the name of their hideout?

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